Looking for software that reads DXF or AI paths

I am looking for a software that actually reads an .AI or .DXF file. We have Palette v.7 and it works fine for the general embroidery work that we do, however, our primary digitizing business is in creating files for computerized quilting machines & we would like to have a more convenient way to convert them to embroidery formats.

The Palette software as well as many others say they will import the vector files, but in reality they convert them to a raster "image" rather than maintaining the vector path. This doesn't work for us & we end up re-digitizing all the quilting patterns to our specs. We did try out Melco's Design Shop Pro & loved it. However, it is a little too pricey to justify purchasing it right now. I would like to find something that is under $5000, preferably around $1000 that will bring in those vector paths & then convert it to embroidery formats. The digitizing is relatively simple, as it is just a single line running stitch that we are looking for.

It would be a great bonus if the software had "batch conversion" capabilities also.
Thank you,