Pulse vs Melco vs i2

Looking for opinions here as their reps do nothing besides hype their own product, and I feel I am getting nowhere with them. All of these same questions were asked to the sales reps, with hopes of an answer. Their answers will be posted here when received for others with questions.

Almost all of my experience in the field has been wrapped around Melco embroidery software, most recent version being DesignShop Pro+ 3. I am looking for software that works fluidly with vector files and TTFs. I did a lot of the digitizing at my past job, roughly 70% and would like to continue that so I am looking for the most "capable" program, not just the "easiest" program.

From what I can tell, DesignShop 10 uses the same interface just with more functions. This is the video I was watching.

I also checked out Pulse as I was initially interested in their i2 plugin for Adobe Illustrator. After watching this video, it seemed a bit limited in comparison to DesignShop and the other Pulse software.

When it came down to the pulse software, I am looking at Illustrator Extreme, Artist Plus and Maestro. This video is off their site, and gives a good general idea of how it operates to me. This video is specifically for the Illustrator Extreme version. Essentially they are just different levels of the same software.

Here are the main questions I have -

Which is better/easier for digitizing? What did you find better/easier?

Which works more fluidly with AI vector files? Can either edit and export back to AI?

Is it true that there are not as many functions/tools in the i2 Plugin as say in the Illustrator Extreme or Artist Plus versions of Pulse software? Are non of the additional options available that are shown for the other programs such as Font Creator?

For the various versions of Pulse:

In which software are the Complex Modifier and Creating Monogram functions available? In the creation of monograms, is it also possible to create the monogram frames?

It seems the Font Creator creates keyboard embroidery fonts? How much is this option and does cost vary dependent on the software version?

I saw that there is cut options that allow versions to go back to CorelDraw seamlessly, however I will not be using Corel. Is there a way to edit vector points in versions of this software and subsequently export it back to Adobe Illustrator? If so which versions?

I see that TTF Converter is not an option included at any level of this software, how much is this option?

P.S. Seeing you use AI, do you cut vinyl? Do you use the AI Plugin?

Yeah I cut a LOT of vinyl. In fact that part of my business will probably cover the payment on the SWF for a while as I build clients.

I run AI on a mac and cut with SignCut Pro which is both mac and PC compatible. I don't use the plug-in mostly because I cut in another area of my home based business so it works better to transfer over there with a thumb drive.

I am far far away from worrying much about it still but some day I think I am going to end up using the Embroidery i2. I am very experienced with Illustrator and would prefer to work from that format so I am hoping to see someone chime in who is well versed with the regular Pulse program and also handy enough with AI to tell whether it is actually fully functional or not. I kind of get the impression from what I have read that most who try it out aren't skilled with AI so struggle with the design side of it (which is understandable because all of us who are trained had the same steep learning curve on that end). I would just like to be able to utilize my existing skill set with AI and move on into the digitizing side from that format. I have too much to learn at this point to even worry about it for a good long while but I keep my eyes peeled for any info I can gather.

Unfortunately, I need to be worrying as I have no software! =(

I have a new computer coming in right before the holiday and as soon as AI is running on it, I am thinking of burning the $ on the trial to mess around with it if there is no chime from someone else versed in AI. Now that I think about it, I should have asked them if any of the Pulse software can actually create vector. Although I know AI, I am not opposed to using a new program especially seeing that I will be starting CC anyway.

The video to me just seemed too limited in comparison to Melco DesignShop Pro+ 3 which is bordering 15 years old was my concern, especially at the $3,495 price tag.

TY for reply though. I will be sure to spread what I hear also. Sorry for the over detailed posts =)

P.S. Seeing you use AI, do you cut vinyl? Do you use the AI Plugin?