Beautiful embroidery fill - Can someone help me duplicate?

I just had a customer bring in something from a competitor and wow, is it beautiful. I've been embroidering and digitizing myself for 7 years now and I've never had a fill come out this clean and perfect.

I'm using Melco Designshop and Melco / Tajima machines, but I feel like I should be able to get it to look this good with my machines / software with the right settings. Anybody familiar with the Designshop software that can tell me what settings to use to get this type of fill format?

I'm absolutely at a loss. Usually my fills look uneven, whether the density is thick or thin and when you can see the shirt color through the logo, it looks bad. Because this logo is so symmetrical and clean, even though you can see the shirt color through the fill, your eyes don't see negatives.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. My typical settings on a fill are:

Density = 3.0 to 3.8
Stitch Length = 40
partitions = 4


Robert Young's picture

Hi, I have sewn out all our standard options for digitizing with our software and nothing matches. (did this week one that we got the software otherwise how do you know!?) We can create a custom pattern but that is just trial and error and would be time consuming with no guarantee of success. sorry. any way to find out the original digitizer or at least what software they used?


Modern Embroidery Designer