By momtrying44 on
Dec. 03, 2010
United States
Looking to buy a used embroidery machine preferably an SWF. I am willing to pay up to 4000 for a good used machine. I would like the 15 thread one if possible. Also if anyone else has any preference as to what the best machine is for someone starting out any help is greatly appreciated. I have a small brother 2002D that I love and want to be able to do more with the embroidery side of my business
thanks so much
There is 1 Comment
Re: Looking for SWF
I have 2 SWF commercial 601 compact embroidery machines for sale, 1 model is 2004, the other 2006. Both are in excellent condition. Purchased directly from SWF EAST. I will sell just one machine, bottom price is $4,900.00, reason for selling, back in school. Let me know if you are interested. thank you, Debra
You can contact me at or 706-860-3788. Located in Augusta, GA