Looking for Wilcom

United States

Private message me if anyone is interested in selling Wilcom ES-65 or newer.


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Bernina Designer Plus software is manufactured by Wilcom for the Home Market, Bernina is a Division of Wilcom.................., the latest version of Bernina Designer Plus always includes features that are not yet released, new Bernina Features/Tools will then be fine tuned, bugs fixed then included in Wilcom's next Upgrade. Bernina is always a step ahead of Wilcom and Bernina will always offer more than Wilcom. Many things released in lastet version of Bernina hit the cutting room floor and are not included in Wilcom. Bernina always includes more than Wilcom.

Bernina Designer Plus is a powerful program, feature/tool Rich, more so than Wilcom for a fraction of the cost.

I've used both programs, both have same Features / Tools but they're called by a different Name in each.

Bernina is actually more User Friendly than Wilcom, less Old School Digitizing Knowledge required and less steps/time to acomplish same task in Bernina. Bernina always offers more than Wilcom.

Bernina Designer Plus Version 5 is basically ES 65 2006 only it offers Greater Amount of Stitch Types, Patterns, etc. and ease of use, automation, less digitizing knowledge required, etc. than Wilcom ES 65 2006 and higher.

Bernina V4 and lower is equivalent to Wilcom V9 and includes more than Wilcom Version 9 and lower. (Same Manufacturer, but different divisions). FACT: Bernina easier to use, less time and knowledge required and offers more than Wilcom when it comes to Stitch Types, Patterns, Stitch Processor Automation, etc.

My opinion comes from 14+ years experience using Bernina Designer Plus. I began with Version 1 though V5 and then upgraded Wilcom ES 65 2006.

I found out the above the expensive way, nobody at Wilcom in 2006/2007 would answer my direct questions correctly nor would they allow me to Test Drive ES 65 2006 unless I purchased first.

Wilcom (WAM) would not allow me to attend classes until I purchased ES 65 2006 first...but they agreed to a 30 day refund if I was dissatisfied. I purchased, found out same immediately, requested refund of $9500 plus return of my Trade In Software and Security Key, $2500 value, they refused. I've never stopped asking for refund to this day......... I share my story when I can to disclose knowledge they do not tell you, even when you ask direct.

On brighter note, apparently my years of venting has improved customer service, but it not the case back in 2006/2007, I was lied too and mislead then ignored, never issued a refund, I tried getting same after 4 days of ownership, before it was even installed on my own computer, at end of day four in training in Georgia at WAM, when I had gotten correct answers through hands on at WAM Training, I already owned Wilcom in my Bernina. Management refused refund, told me to at least give program a chance, go home, install, use for 30 days then if I still wanted a refund they would issue same. Mangement was sure I would love program, just needed to give it a chance. After 30 day trial, I still asked for a refund, then was told by Mangement my 30 day period to obtain refund had expired, never got a refund, was stuck with it!!!!!

If I could of afforded an attorney at the time I would of taken them to court, but......not cost effective at the time for me.

Know, Wilcom's latest upgrade will have already been released to Bernina Users in Bernina's Latest version at least six months earlier.

I found that Wilcom releases new features/upgrades to Bernina Designer Plus Home Market Customers first. New features/tools, are basically given to Bernina Customers first as a Test Market......Unknowingly, Bernina Dealers/Trainers and Bernina Customers Trouble Shoot Bernina's latest version, fixes are made then Wilcom implements a select amount of new features/tools that were in the latest verions of Bernina into their latest upgrade of Wilcom, .....such as ES 65 2006 after the release of Bernina Version 5.

Wilcom ES 65 2006 is Bernina Designer Plus Version 5 and E1.5 is Bernina Version 6, just as Bernina V4 was Wilcom V9.

Tools / Features / Same Functions as Wilcom are in Bernina only presented differently and called by another name. Bernina easier to use than Wilcom. Of course Bernina lacks when it comes to Commercial Sized Files. but not an issue if you're computer friendly end user.

Wilcom makes it difficult to compare Apples to Apples between their two Programs/Markets call the very same Feature/Tools by a different name, even give same Feature/Tool a different ICON image. (When I purchased even Sales, Management and Trainers at WAM lied to me when I asked direct questions regarding same, I did try to determine same before purchase, but was mislead).

If an experienced user tries out, hands on, both programs, they'll immediately discover same, Bernina is Wilcom.

After years of use of Bernina and nonsense involved with upgrades over the years, then purchase of Wilcom and same nonsense, etc. I determined that Bernina is the Test Market for Wilcom's planned new upgrade but not yet released features.

Wilcom puts their planned upgrade into Bernina first to let end users of Bernina fine tune it for them at their expense, home users have no clue they are the test market for Wilcom. Bernina Customers (unknowinly at their own expense and time find the issues that need to be fixed and keep reporting issues to Bernina Dealers, issues are addressed, and then Wilcom fixes the bugs, weeds out issues, then releases latest Upgrade with features that were released to Bernina Customers six months to a year earlier.

Bernina Designer Plus is a fraction of the Cost of Wilcom ES highest level.

Bernina offers more unique Niche type patterns and fills, etc. than ES 65 and/or E1.5 or E1.6........

Wilcom is always Six Months Behind Bernina when it comes to Upgrades/Features, etc.
Bernina will release same thing but different name to Home Market and Dealers first to Trouble Shoot. (Just like in the movies, many features/tools hit the cutting room floor and are never released in Wilcom.) Bernina always offers more than Wilcom and it's faster to create same Design in Bernina than Wilcom, less Old School Knowledge required but Bernina has less standard Commercial Features such as Tie In, Tie Offs Before and AFter Objects, nor Center Out setting for Caps is not an Option in V5 Bernina but is in Wilcom ES 65 2006. (Options easily worked around in Bernina).

Bernina Designer Plus is a powerful program, feature/tool Rich, more so than Wilcom for a fraction of the cost.

I highly advise to test drive both programs throughly.