M & R Sprint 2000 Gas Dryer 60" x 12'

Mid West United States

[B]M & R Sprint 2000 Gas Dryer[/B]

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/qCY6QBZidAE

This dryer has been so well maintained - (the Year is 2003) - that should not be a concern
check out the picture inside the dryer (ZERO RUST)

Keep up with 2 automatics Plus manual presses

SD2000-60-12 Model #
208/230 22/21 amps - 3 phase
300,000 BTU Burner
serial# 040360778S

this dryer has a long infeed - but that is an easy thing to cut down - if you need to be shorter

contact Dave
ScreenPrinting Products Inc.

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