By C. Hagg on
Jun. 24, 2011
United States
Melco: one is an AMAYA 2004 low hours and the other one is a EMT10T 2000 very low hours and stitch count on it. And design shop pro for digitizing, I have two of all the standard hoops, all in one hooper, also have two large wooden hoops for large jacket backs. Asking $ 10.000 ferm. These are good machines and had a needle head rebuild this last Tuesday on the emt10t and the tech said there both in great running order and that my asking price is low. Plus I have a lot of extras like a lot of needles and stuff to go with it. Plus the power conditioner. I am in michigan near port huron. Contact me at
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Re: Melco Emt10t And An Amaya
I will separate so if you like mail me and lets make a deal!