By dresscodeinc on
Apr. 14, 2008
United States
My wife and I own a small uniform business in Colorado and will soon, within a week or two, be shopping for a least one 4 head machine. I'd rather have two. We currently are running Melco software, and since we are in Colorado , we are looking for either Melco or possibly Tajima. Noting that Tajima is one of the best made, but pretty expensive. , I work for the Government, wife runs uniform shop.
There are 2 Comments
Re: Melco or Tajima 9-10 needle / 4 head
i have 2 melco amaya xt bought in 2007 may would like to sell
emall me at
Re: Melco or Tajima 9-10 needle / 4 head
I have a 2000 Happy 4 Head, 12 needle in excellent conidition for sale. If interested please email me at