melco pci card question


I purchased a Melco EMC-6 machine with a PCI card and can not find any information online regarding how to configure it. Based on the pictures that I can find online, I do not believe it to be a StarLAN PCI card. Anybody with information on how to get it configured would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jeff

BTW, I have a licensed copy of EDS 3.5 with dongle working on my PC - currently running on Win XP (could downgrade OS, if absolutely required)

Hello Everybody,

According to BIGMACATAC, my Melco PCI card is a network card, but I don't know if I can get it to work with EDS 3.5 (without ENS) and my Melco EMC-6M embroidery machine.

I do not have the drivers for this card, which may be my problem. Can somebody help me with this by sending me the driver for this card (Windows 98)?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


BTW - in EDS 3.5, I get the message "Network board missing, defective, or improperly configured"


I need ENS! Does anybody have a copy with dongle that they would be willing to sell?


there is a copy of melco designshop for $1999.99 auction # 141337701482


if you still intend to downgrade your software back to windows98, there is an ISA network card on ebay right now.

auction # 301254303118 with a buy it now of $199.95 + shipping

bigmacatac wrote:

if you still intend to downgrade your software back to windows98, there is an ISA network card on ebay right now.

auction # 301254303118 with a buy it now of $199.95 + shipping

Hello Bigmacatac,

I am running windows98 already. With this card, do I need ENS, or can I just use EDS 3.5, which I already have?

Thanks, Jeff