Metal Halide Exposure Unit Hix 2002

Ephrata, PA, United States

I have a 2002 Hix Premier Metal halide exposure unit. Everything works on the exposure unit. From what I know I don't think the bulb has not been replaced in a while, but it still works. As you can see in the picture, the hydraulic can no longer hold up the frame. I bought it with a lot and sat on it for a year. I have another exposure units so I do not need this one. Located in Ephrata Pennsylvania. Asking $850 OBO

I was holding the unit for someone who was planning on purchasing, but I have since lost contact.

For any questions you can contact me at:

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Prosperi-Tees's picture

jmar22 wrote:
I have a 2002 Hix Premier Metal halide exposure unit. Everything works on the exposure unit. From what I know I don't think the bulb has not been replaced in a while, but it still works. As you can see in the picture, the hydraulic can no longer hold up the frame. I bought it with a lot and sat on it for a year. I have another exposure units so I do not need this one. Located in Ephrata Pennsylvania. Asking $850 OBO

I was holding the unit for someone who was planning on purchasing, but I have since lost contact.

For any questions you can contact me at:

any idea what it would cost to ship to zip code 93612?

I'm not sure how much shipping would cost, but I don't think it would be cheap probably somewhere between $250-$400. New bulb is $300, but a new hydraulic should only run around $40.

For anyone with questions this is a link to the newer model of this unit.
