By ebscreen on
May. 30, 2018
United States
2002 MHM S-Type 6/12, two MSI flashes. Servo/ac.
Machine/flashes are 220 SINGLE PHASE.
17x21 print area.
Low air requirement.
16' diameter.
Will come with:
One set of
14" pallets
10" pallets
7" pallets
4.5" sleeve pallets
A million squeegees/floods
~150 25x36 Newman Roller frames with pins
Everything works perfectly.
$17K for all, disassemble/crating/freight on buyer.
Also available is a large American Gas dryer. Free this week only or
it goes to the scrappers.
If you want the press come and get it or I can recommend a tech.
I'm not here to entertain pipe dreams however.
There are 6 Comments
Re: MHM 6/12, 2 flashes
is it still available?
Re: MHM 6/12, 2 flashes
Back up.
Press and 2 flashes 1 set of pallets only - $15K.
This machine will run circles around any other press in this price range.
East Bay Screenprint
Re: MHM 6/12, 2 flashes
$13,500 fob 94518
To re-iterate:
Single phase low power draw
Servo/AC drives
2 quartz flashes (that can be adjusted from control panel)
1200 pcs/hour
Seriously rock solid machine that will do quadruple back flips over
a Gauntlet or Diamondback.
East Bay Screenprint
Re: MHM 6/12, 2 flashes
12K come and get it, need the space!
East Bay Screenprint
Re: MHM 6/12, 2 flashes
I am fairly interested
Re: MHM 6/12, 2 flashes
We are interested in this offer, please contact we are to close soon