Mimaki jv33/kodak 1200i/graphtec fc7000 for sale

United States

i've got all three for sale.

the mimaki can be seen at http://mimakijv33160.weebly.com/ it is part of a bankruptcy and the lender is willing to see what we can get out of it....i had a deale offer 6k..

it was only used about 9months then went into storage.... before that printed great...

we did the storage cleaning but now it does not print.... call me or email me for details on repair cost...but this is a bankruptcy priced printer, you can get it for a steal if you are good with repairs, for a HUGE steal, got a dealer coming monday who's really interested..

the kodak 1200i prints great....it needs new cartridges, which are like $70.00 per/
so you'll need 4 and then ink also per color which is about $180.00 per bottle..
great print quality perfect for back lit images....must laminate everything ...
asking $3k....this is a steal...or best offer.... must sell so don't delay...

graphtec fc7000 in great shape.....nothing wrong, small ding on front that's it...
been used about 9 months only asking $2000 or best offer.....must sell....

Flexi 8.5 with key of c ourse, for sell, make offer $4k when i bought.

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