Mod1 DTG Solves Problems

Belquette manufactured the very successful Flexi-Jet. Since the Flexi-Jet was introduced to the market over 3 years ago, various companies have tried to copy and recreate the Flexi-Jet. There are now about 5 other models that look like the Flexi-Jet.

While everyone is "catching up" with the Flexi-Jet, Belquette has moved on to the next level. We are now introducing the only printer of it's kind "for now" ;) the Mod1.

There are several advantages to the Mod-1 over other printing systems. These advantages were created from customer feedback with the Flexi-Jet printer. The Mod-1 was designed to eliminate all of these issues.

1. Adaptation: The module can be adapted to future products. Since it literally takes seconds to swap out, future products that the module can adapt to open the possibility of what you can do with inkjet digital printing.

2. Ink system: Our ink system will not allow air into the lines causing problems with clogging. The disadvantage of a closed system is cost, since cartridges cost more, etc. Our ink system gets rid pricing issues, giving you the ability to purchase ink in bulk and still prohibit air from integrating into your lines.

3. White Ink: White ink is always an issue. Although the ink has gotten better over time, settling still can occur. The Mod-1 is the first machine to truly address this issue. As long as your machine is turned on, white ink will NEVER settle in the lines, heads or cartridges.

4. Warranty: When a machine would go down, a tech would have to fly in to the customer if the problem could not be addressed over the phone. This cost Belquette and the customer both time and money. With our upgraded warranty for $800, if there are complications with your module that we cannot fix by phone or email, we will overnight (next business day), a module to you. You swap out our module with yours and you will be back up and running the next day. No more long waits and downtime.

5. Speed: The Mod-1 is designed for speed. Printing full size images in about 45 seconds and on darks 2 - 2:30 minutes. The Mod-2 allows for even faster printing when set up with 8 channels of white and dual CMYK.

For more information on the Mod1 or video, see our site!

Jerid Hill

lovetoprint wrote:
Thanks for the info Jerid

You're welcome! I have had a chance to work with other manufacturers but in the end I never ended up bringing anything to the market. I have a lot of respect for Belquette and was honored that they even asked me if I would work with them again. I am always amazed at their desire for the best products they can bring to the table and their desire to be ahead of everyone in technology.

The funny thing is the mod2 which is essentially the same as the mod1 but with 2 modules is faster than the $240,000 kornit or whatever the price is now, while the mod2 costs $26,495. That's why I like Belqutte, they really try to not only help the end user but also the industry as a whole.

Jerid Hill