M&R 6 Color 4 Station "Blue Max II" Manual Press

TShirtRacer's picture
Hickory, NC, United States

I have for sale a beautiful M&R - Blue Max II - 6 Color/4 Station manual press. It has both Side Clamps & Micro-Registration on all heads.

My kids and I have taken it completely apart and cleaned it. We have replaced any missing or broken parts before re-assembling it. I had a body shop repaint it with automotive paint. It comes with 4 adult pallets (one needs new rubber) and 4 youth pallets.

A new M&R press like this costs between $6,500 & $8,500 (based on the model) I'm only asking $3,500 for this one.

I'm upgrading to an automatic press so I'm selling a couple manual presses, an M&R dryer, 2 flashes, a dip tank, screens & squeegees. So if you are starting a new company and need a package deal I'll be glad to put one together for you.

If you have any questions or would like to purchase a piece of equipment you can contact me at JohnHart (at) TShirtSpecialty (dot) com

1 Chronicles 7:14

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