M&r amazing factory

Hard to build this in a storage shed!! I think M&R has more employess to clean the toliets than
2M has all together LOL

In ONE day M&R makes more presses than 2M in a YEAR! And Barnes has the balls to try and BS people about the MUSTANG! 1 day to 1 year, you judge who will be better to buy from, a guy who steals your money or a guy who helps build your empire.

I'm not knocking, but small can be good also. Small printers and small engineers can both produce even better quality than mass produced.

Printwizard wrote:
I'm not knocking, but small can be good also. Small printers and small engineers can both produce even better quality than mass produced.

Really amazing that you say that, Mustang really should focus on being the elite custom built machine, almost like an Orange County Chopper, brilliant!

Place your order now and Mustang will even paint the machine any color you'd like.

PW, the electric driven chopper mechanism will be a game changer, can you imagine Digital control of squeegee pressure, angle, speed, all from you finger tips?

GraphicDisorder's picture

Collective Clothing wrote:
Really amazing that you say that, Mustang really should focus on being the elite custom built machine, almost like an Orange County Chopper, brilliant!

There is nothing elite about a OCC chopper. You clearly don't know **** about motorcycles.

Collective Clothing wrote:

Place your order now and Mustang will even paint the machine any color you'd like.

Well let's hope there isn't a paint shortage like the supposed steel shortage (only seems to be effecting 2M).

Collective Clothing wrote:

PW, the electric driven chopper mechanism will be a game changer, can you imagine Digital control of squeegee pressure, angle, speed, all from you finger tips?

PW, like the rest of us probably just see one more gadget you will add to a press to make it less reliable. See Playtex for example.

Throw a bunch of **** at the wall dude, see what sticks.

Graphic Disorder

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OCC, you have to be kidding....
Game changer.....yea we have herd that more than a few times before.

Place your order now and Mustang will even paint the machine any color you'd like.

I think you painted my 16 color Printex camouflage,because I can't SEE it!

2M builds the best screen printing machines in the world and had almost a decade of raving fans out there loving the design, technology, service, and price.

No other company in the world had Digital Squeegee angle, Digital Squeegee pressure, and now with this revolutionary Digital lift system it puts 2M in a class all its own.

The real game changer is 2M as a company, make sure you ask about the Digital auto screen ref system they are developing.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Collective Clothing wrote:
2M builds the best screen printing machines in the world and had almost a decade of raving fans out there loving the design, technology, service, and price.

This is a stretch. I am on many if not all the industry forums, been to several trade shows and I have yet to hear anyone "Rave" about a 2M machine except Alan. Are those others happy with them, probably, but the fact is they aren't running around raving about the presses. Context owns you like always.

Collective Clothing wrote:

No other company in the world had Digital Squeegee angle, Digital Squeegee pressure, and now with this revolutionary Digital lift system it puts 2M in a class all its own.

What 2M seems to also have that other manufactures don't seem to have is the long wait times from poor planning, a new salesman adding features that are bound to only delay presses and leave buyers as the "beta" testers and so on. No thanks. 2M lost so must respect the day they allowed you to sell them, that is a fact.

Collective Clothing wrote:

The real game changer is 2M as a company, make sure you ask about the Digital auto screen ref system they are developing.

How so, the long wait times, new but proven poor US/Sales support that has a history of being involved in deals that customers do not get their presses for 6 months to a year later or not at all, and pi55 poor attitude. It's not a good combination. It will be much like the Playtex deal. Start with potential, then reality will set in. People are so much smarter than you think.

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

Classic case of brand loyalty, Mustang has the best automatic screen printing system on the planet so notice none of the brand defenders want to compare the actual machines, just scare tactics

Mustang has the Digital controls to out preform any machine on the planet, not even Sonny can argue otherwise

GraphicDisorder's picture

Collective Clothing wrote:
Classic case of brand loyalty, Mustang has the best automatic screen printing system on the planet so notice none of the brand defenders want to compare the actual machines, just scare tactics

Mustang has the Digital controls to out preform any machine on the planet, not even Sonny can argue otherwise

Because none of this is about machines, its about you taking people for a ride. Never delivering or delivering months late.

You have a perfect track record there. Over promising, under delivering. You just said all of this about Playtex not more than several months ago. So which is it. After all if RPM is the same press as a Mustank as you claim, and the RPM existed the whole time that Playtex was being pimped as the best then by that same math you were lying about the Playtex or too dumb to know the difference. Probably both.

You aren't very good at this you know. Maybe you should take up staying at home with the kids and playing with their blue balls you posted a video of before.

Graphic Disorder

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Binkspot's picture

Collective Clothing wrote:
No other company in the world had Digital Squeegee angle, Digital Squeegee pressure, and now with this revolutionary Digital lift system it puts 2M in a class all its own.

The real game changer is 2M as a company, make sure you ask about the Digital auto screen ref system they are developing.

Maybe no one uses the mentioned above because you don't need it. One more fancy novelty to break or just something to hype because its lacking in the important areas and can't stand on its own merits of printing garments. Kind of like a man who buys a fancy car to make up for his "short comings".

Reminds me of the car commercial that's out now with the espresso maker option.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

GraphicDisorder wrote:
Because none of this is about machines, its about you taking people for a ride. Never delivering or delivering months late.

You have a perfect track record there. Over promising, under delivering. You just said all of this about Playtex not more than several months ago. So which is it. After all if RPM is the same press as a Mustank as you claim, and the RPM existed the whole time that Playtex was being pimped as the best then by that same math you were lying about the Playtex or too dumb to know the difference. Probably both.

You aren't very good at this you know. Maybe you should take up staying at home with the kids and playing with their blue balls you posted a video of before.

Barnes is playing 2M and Printex customers at the same time. I know for a fact he quoted Printex machines this month to a customer. Guess what size? Yep you guessed it<16 colors!!!!! Quoted fast delivery and showroom special just as before. 2M probably doesn't even know they are being played by this scammer! Buyers you really need to beware!!! Regardless of what brand he is peddling beware!!!!!!
srimonogramming's picture

Wait a minute, I thought Printex was dead in the US? Why is there a customer getting quoted a 16 color machine here in the states? Hey Jeff, you seeing this? I'd show up to that delivery with the proper authorities and re-route that sucker to Iowa. Then you should never uncrate it and sell it to recoup some of your lost money. You won't get all of it back but at least you'll have something for that 80K.

Binkspot wrote:
Maybe no one uses the mentioned above because you don't need it. One more fancy novelty to break or just something to hype because its lacking in the important areas and can't stand on its own merits of printing garments. Kind of like a man who buys a fancy car to make up for his "short comings".

Reminds me of the car commercial that's out now with the espresso maker option.

Makes sense, the BlackBerry was all you could every want in a handheld device, iPhone doesn't stand a chance LOL

Binkspot's picture

I would assume it was a great price considering 80k of it was already paid. Considering they run around 100k the quote should have been for 20k. Then add the two weeks it will take Bobby to instal it.

Or is it one of the first Sporty-Trums (sportsman & spectrum joined in harmony in China) he posted pics of a few months back?

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

srimonogramming wrote:
Wait a minute, I thought Printex was dead in the US? Why is there a customer getting quoted a 16 color machine here in the states? Hey Jeff, you seeing this? I'd show up to that delivery with the proper authorities and re-route that sucker to Iowa. Then you should never uncrate it and sell it to recoup some of your lost money. You won't get all of it back but at least you'll have something for that 80K.
The customer will never see any machines for Jeff to collect. I stated quoted, not delivered!!!
Binkspot's picture

Oh great one please use your vast printing and machinery knowledge and explain to us common folks how we can't possibly print without having digital pressure and angle readout.

Once you get on a roll maybe you could answer some other questions the masses have been asking, but I doubt it.

Other then reading the latest edition of How to Screen Print for Fun and Profit or the instructions for your YUDO when was the last time you actually set up a job and printed? I'm not talking about watching someone else and passing it off as your way of doing it but actually printed a job from start to finish including setup and loading.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

GraphicDisorder's picture

srimonogramming wrote:
Wait a minute, I thought Printex was dead in the US? Why is there a customer getting quoted a 16 color machine here in the states? Hey Jeff, you seeing this? I'd show up to that delivery with the proper authorities and re-route that sucker to Iowa. Then you should never uncrate it and sell it to recoup some of your lost money. You won't get all of it back but at least you'll have something for that 80K.

He is playing 2M and Printex. I have seen recent quotes from RWB. So I know it for a fact. The screen print world is much smaller than you think RWB.

Jeff he is either using your money for the next press or him and Printex have decided to ignore your issue and keep selling to others.

Graphic Disorder

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Binkspot wrote:
Oh great one please use your vast printing and machinery knowledge and explain to us common folks how we can't possibly print without having digital pressure and angle readout.

Once you get on a roll maybe you could answer some other questions the masses have been asking, but I doubt it.

Other then reading the latest edition of How to Screen Print for Fun and Profit or the instructions for your YUDO when was the last time you actually set up a job and printed? I'm not talking about watching someone else and passing it off as your way of doing it but actually printed a job from start to finish including setup and loading.

Rumor has it that Barnes is actually producing a videos series on this very thing, a side by side comparison of how the entire process is done on an M&R and how its done on a Mustang. Don't miss this youtube series it will certainly be a must see!