By robert67 on
Feb. 08, 2011
United States
All equipment are very clean and excellent conditions
Automatic M&R Challenger 10c/12s with 2 jumbo arms 28w x 37in long stroke
Automatic M&R Challenger 8c/10s jumbo print stroke 30in x 38in long
Automatic MHM jumbo print 8 colors
M&R Gas dryer eliminator 60in wide x 24ft long
SPI Gas dryer 72in wide x 24ft long
Brown Arco electric dryer 48in wide x 12ft long
2 Exposure units
2 jumbo quarz lamp flashes 28x36in
2 TAS flashes 18x24in
Manual press 6c/6s
2 new heat transfer machines 18x24
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There are 5 Comments
Re: M&r Challenger 10 Colors, M&r Gas Dryer
How much are u askin for an exposure unit, the manual press 6c/6s, and a heat transfer machine sold either individually or as a set??
Re: M&r Challenger 10 Colors, M&r Gas Dryer
how much for the dryers
Re: M&r Challenger 10 Colors, M&r Gas Dryer
11,500 for the SPI is 72in wide year 2000
6,800 for the M&R 60in
Re: M&r Challenger 10 Colors, M&r Gas Dryer
is the harco oven 1 phase?
Re: M&r Challenger 10 Colors, M&r Gas Dryer
Yes it is 220 single phase