M&R Idot Garment printer

Does anyone have any knowledge about this machine? How does it fx? Is it user friendly? The ink cartridge better than the bulk? Does the software interact well with the printer? Is it accurate at placement? How's the technical support? Is anyone selling a used Idot?

srimonogramming's picture

It's probably one of the better dtg machines based off of the epson printers but they have a long way to go to be the "best companion". They have issues like all the rest of the Epson dtg machines but they are working on it diligently and you'll have great customer service and support when you do have problems/issues with it. It is leaps and bounds better than a Tjet but dtg in general has many problems to sort through before it becomes what everyone thinks it will be.

We have an Idot, We tried Tjet, and one of our partners tried Kornit, but there is no better companion than an i-Dot digital textile printer. and the company is located in USA, so there is no problem when reaching for technical support. my boss is selling his IDot, He is moving on to becoming just a designing firm. so if you are interested, either contact me via email or I can redirect you to my boss's email and you can deal with him directly.
Hope that helps, thanks.

email me @ therastamon@gmail.com