M&R Presses and Dryers for Sale

Camden, SC, United States

We have the following M&R Presses and Dryers Available.

All presses are sold with a Full Set of 16" x 22" Pallets, 16" Squeegee Holders & Flood Bars, a M&R Flash and a 90 Day Parts Exchange Warranty. Presses receiving New Center Shaft Bushings will include a 1 Year Parts Exchange Warranty

2003 M&R Challenger II 18/20 - New Center Shaft Bushings - AC Heads
2000 M&R Challenger II 14/16 - AC Heads
2003 M&R Gauntlet II 10/12 - AC Heads
2016 M&R Sportsman EX 10/12 - AC Heads
2004 M&R Sportsman 8/10 - Servo Index, Pneumatic Heads - Ready at Once

2008 M&R Sprint 2000 - 60" Wide with 8' In 12' Heat 8' Out
2004 M&R Sprint 2000 - 60" Wide with 8' In 12' Heat 8' Out
2007 M&R Sprint 2000 - 48" Wide
2014 M&R Mini Sprint 2000 - 38" Wide with 8' In 12' Heat 8' Out - Single Phase
2013 M&R Radicure Split Belt - 60" Wide with Split Belts and 5' In 10' Heat 5' Out
M&R Radicure - 36" Wide with 6' Heat - 3 Panel - 2 Available

Message us with any questions or for freight and installation quotes.
All Major Credit Cards and PayPal Accepted. Financing/Leasing Available.

Seritech Inc.


There are 3 Comments

Interested in the Sportsman 8/10 and the Mini Sprint 38"
Will you sell as a package? Number of impressions on the Sportsman?
Dryer condition/ Belt? any tracking issues? Are the burners rusty?
Please email me: bgillilan@artbrands.com Thank you! Bill