By kidchampion on
Aug. 25, 2010
United States
Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps. Like new. Only used for sampling. Very clean. Comes with Jumbo pallets, youth pallets and sleeve pallets.
Will also throw in a free M&R Serrano flash. The flash is currently non-working. We purchased a new IR panel for it but it still needs some work. I know nothing about electronics, or how to use a multimeter but I think it should be easy to fix if you know what you're doing.
$5500.00 (OBO) if you come pick it up. Cash only. Price for press without the flash is the same as press only.
Located in Raleigh, NC Crating will cost more. No international sales.
Pics available upon request. Sale includes owners manuals.
There are 7 Comments
Re: M&R Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps
SOLD pending pickup. Thanks for the inquiries.
Re: M&R Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps
PM sent. Please send photos and info.
Re: M&R Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps
I am interested and would like to see the press. I am located in Clayton, NC. contact Randy at thanks
Re: M&R Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps
Someone should buy this and then give me the flash... I'll pay shipping :)
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: M&R Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps
Very Interested! Sending you PM with questions and email address for pictures.
Re: M&R Sidewinder 6/6 w/ side clamps