By Coppell Shirt Co on
May. 20, 2011
United States
I would like to buy a 7.5 ton air compressor if anyone has one for sale, please let me know.
I prefer ingersoll rand brand if possible.
Does anyone know what brand is the quietest ?
Coppell Shirt Co.
There are 3 Comments
Re: Need 7.5 Ton Air Comp.
do you need 3 phase or single phase
Re: Need 7.5 Ton Air Comp.
3 phase 208 volt
Coppell Shirt Co.
Re: Need 7.5 Ton Air Comp.
I assume by "7.5 ton" you mean 7.5 horsepower? The real measure of a compressor is it's air delivery, measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM) at a given pressure. Different compressors can have different CFM at the same horsepower rating. Typically rotary screw compressors are much more quiet and have higher CFM ratings than piston type, but cost more.