By hendra123 on
Mar. 24, 2011
United States
Looking for a great deal on Tajima, Barudan or SWF 1-4 heads. Would prefer machine to be in Florida, Georgia or Alabama. Please respond with price, location and picture.
Thank you!
There are 13 Comments
Re: Need Embroidey machine
Kindly mail me info with price and picture on this SWF, I am interested(
Re: Need Embroidey machine
Thank you for replying...Please send me pictures at
Re: Need Embroidey machine
Thank you for replying. I really like your machine but I won't be able to pick it up from Indiana. I am in Florida :-(
Re: Need Embroidey machine
Thank you for replying. It's a bit too expensive for me at this time.
Re: Need Embroidey machine
Pls email me with pics. and price of the single heads.
Re: Need Embroidey machine
swf 4 head 12 colour $11,500 with large assortment of hoops in good condition
we will crate and load this machine for you.
we also have a number of older toyota single heads and swf single heads ranging from $2400-$7100
Re: Need Embroidey machine
Barudan 2007 1 head complete in Georgia BEVT Z1501 with color screen $9000.00 OBO
Scott Marshall
Re: Need Embroidey machine
We have a swf1202 d duel function machine in west palm beach Florida. Asking 11500, can make offer. Mike 5615413389.......I can send pictures if you like
Re: Need Embroidey machine
I may have an SWF for sale in Central Alabama. Will know next week. Should be about $3500. (not a broker-just not sure if I want to keep 3 of them)
Re: Need Embroidey machine
we have barudan 4 & 2 head & single head Brother
there all in great conditions
Wilcom Softwear
located in NYC but we can transport them.
Re: Need Embroidey machine
I have a really nice 1-head Tajima package for sale, lots of hoops, including Hoop Tech Clamps and FastFrames, a large border/flats frame, and two styles of cap frames for the cap driver, tons of thread, stablilizer, needles, magnaglide bobbins, Dakota designs library, lots of other extras, all for less than 7K. Located in Indiana, but can be transported in something as small as a Mercury Villager minivan (with the middle seats out).
See it here:
Good luck in your search.
Re: Need Embroidey machine
we have A toyota 830 single head machine 94-96 Dropped price to 3000.00 firm
email us at located in central florida
Re: Need Embroidey machine
i have 2000 swf 4 head 12 needle
2004 swf 1 head 6 needle
2005 swf 1 head 12 needle
all machine are perfect condition.
I am in california.
If you need more info let me know.