In Need of a Heat Transfer Press for Tshirts

United States

Hello I'm looking for an inexpensive used Heat Press for Tshirts. I have a few small jobs that I need this for. I live in Massachusetts, if there is anyone out there with a used press for sale please let me know. I was scammed on Craigslist recently so I felt that this site would be a more reliable place to find one.

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we are a wholesale provider with no minimums. i can get you all started up for very inexpensive and supply you with all the supplies you could want

thanks again


Does anyone know of a company or individual that would rent a heat transfer machine in either Las Vegas, NV or Pensacola, FL? I have a 1 day conference in Las Vegas and a 2 day show coming up in Pensacola, FL and I was hoping to find someone that would be willing to rent out their equipment. We're out of Chicago and usually travel on the weekends to fairs but the 2 shows coming up are a long drive. We're experienced - have been in the screen printing business for 20 years. Thanks for your help!
