Need Help With Burning Screens

I am starting up my own company and am working with an artist on my own clothing line. The problem is most of my designs are all over prints or at the least half of the shirt and sleeve end to sleeve end. My exposure unit simply cannot burn screens big enough for that type of print. Any one know of companies that offer that type of screen burning service? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Ghostwork Ink's picture

Pocono Screen!

I have a great relationship with everyone there!
All i have to say are positive things about the company.

When i have a lot of detailed half tone work and i dont feel like taking the risk exposing dot count so small.. i'll take the drive up there and give it to them!

Go on there website for there number and give them a call. Ask for Brian and tell him Justin from Ghostwork sent you!
He'll simply ask for your art and have your burnt screen mailed to you quick!
