Need Help Selecting Home Embroidery Machine

The company I work for is closing the embroidery department I work in. I have been considering retiring this next year since I will no longer have a job and finding something locally at my age will be difficult. However, I will need a part time job to supplement my SS since it isn't that much. I do all the digitizing for our company at the present, so would like to continue to digitize as I really enjoy that part of my job, but will no longer have a machine to test sew logos and refuse to send anything out before a test sew to insure good quality. So, my dilemma is the need for a home embroidery machine to do so. I have only used commercial machines which obviously are very pricey and have no clue as to what would be a good, relatively inexpensive home machine I could purchase to use for test designs. (Again, that budget thing). I will need it to accept embroidery files I digitize. My software allows me to save in many formats, including non-commercial type formats. I really need some suggestions as to what type of machines I should look at. I truly would appreciate any and all help on this. Thank you.

United States
Robert Young's picture

Could you purchase one of the embroidery machines from the company that is closing the department you worked in? (or they might GIVE you a machine? I have seen that happen.. they were assets off the books years ago)

Maybe another local embroidery shop recognizes your skill and would allow you access to one of their machines.... for some digitizing or operator time running their designs?

Link with an on line digitizer that has a machine.. find one that has different skill sets than you do... so you two can compliment each other...

There are creative ways to use others' machines without you spending the cash up front and possibly only having a place to hang clothes on.. ha. (like exercise equipment we are All familiar with!)

Modern Embroidery Designer

Thanks for the responses! I had thought about contacting a local shop to see if that would be something they might be interested in Robert. Good to hear someone else also thinking along those lines. Very interesting thought on linking with another digitizer! That's an avenue I doubt I would have given any thought to. Hummm, definitely has me thinking now though!! Thanks Robert!