need just a little help

chickengranny's picture

Hello everyone,
I have been looking at this site ever since I was given a Brother BE-0901E-ac to try and figure out how the thing works, yes I have downloaded the manuals, but for my stupid questions there seems to be no answers:confused:

I need to know..... oh yea I need to know software needs or if it has it already on there, how can I find out what type of embroidery format...ok yea I know you all are thinking...ok how stupid can you get? Well with this machine I will tell you....really stupid:eek:

Just want to get it working for embroidery on quilts...if you can help thanks and if not thanks anyway.


I don't know this machine, but when I did digitizing for a client who had a Brother machine (don't know which one), he asked for it in PES. I guess any software that will allow you to save in PES format would work. Good luck.

You can call me if you want. I have a similar machine and maybe can five you some advice. 80802169634. Washington. We are in Hawaii.