Need a manual for 23 x 31 newman frames


We are considering adding a couple of manual presses to our line to print the 1 or 2 color jobs we have. Our shop is completely 23x31 newman frames and we really don't want to burn a different size frame.

I have some manual presses in the corner but the frames are just too darn big and heavy to work.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a couple of (cheap) reasonably priced manual presses for this purpose?

Thanks in advance!


United States
becca's picture

Workhorse is a great machine, well priced, and sturdy. Antecs are great too, but more expensive and have a finer reg system. I prefer back clamps, but side clamps offer a bit more spring tension for the heavier screens you want to use. My suggestion would be to just buy some smaller frames for the manual press, since it will save you money, and frustration time, in the long run, both on emulsion, and added difficulty of lining those things up on a manual. They are heavy, cold on the hands, and more rigid than is necessary or comfortable for hand printing.