By Long5152 on
Mar. 16, 2018
Hello new to the embroidering land. I am thinking of purchasing a baby lock BMP6 and I was wondering what you guys think of that machine. I am thinking of doing hats mostly I don’t have a big budget. I am testing a new hobby to see if I like it all comments and suggestions are good And greatly appreciated thank you very much for your help
Re: Need your thoughts
i don't know that machine, but with a limited budget, i would probably go with a used commercial machine over a new home machine...
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Need your thoughts
Hats are generally much harder to embroider than flats so it will be harder to start with hats. I'm not familiar with that machine but I would make sure it can run hats well. Some of the smaller machines don't do too well with hats.
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