New to forum

Hello everyone! I own and operate a mid sized screen print shop with embroidery! I left my full time job as a teacher to pursue this business. I love it! It can be a pain at times with deadlines and tough customers but overall I don't have to answer to a boss! In one year from resigning my position we grew 300% more than I expected. I'm experiencing some growing pains and relocated for more space. I'm currently in the market for an automatic press preferably all electric but an air chiller would sufficient. Please refer or guide me in the right direction if anyone see one out there. I'm obviously looking for a fair deal too. Finally we recently became a full line Adidas sportswear company and will be targeted high schools and colleges to provide them head to toe in adidas and other brands.
Please leave some generous feedback any help appreciated..thanks Ron

Hi Ron,
Since you are doing sports apparel, have you considered sublimated garments? If so please feel free to call me. I have worked with major manufacturers here in the US and abroad. I specialize in dye sublimation for custom uniform apparel. I guarantee all my work and equipment. My number is 562-396-1882.