NEW Roland EGX-600 Pro-Series Engraver for Sale, $9,995 OBO!

VA, United States

Roland EGX-Pro Series Engraver.
Asking $9,995 (OBO), MSRP is $11,995; including the bonus below, thats a savings of at least $2,700!!
Max engraving area: 24"(X) x 16"(Y) x 1.57"(Z). 2D and 3D Engraving! For FULL Specificatons, click here.
Dr. Engrave Software included. Also comes with an assortment of bits.
BONUS: Chip Removal System ($699.99 Value) FREE!!

We bought this engraver with cash, and used it 3 or 4 times to engrave 1" x 3" plastic name badges. Shortly after we bought it there was a change in our business concept and the engraver wasn't used. Now we just moved into a new (smaller) location and decided that we probably won't ever have a need for the engraver in our business, and its taking up space that we could really use. If you have any questions or would like more information, you can also email me at or call me at (W)571-292-1530 or (C)703-501-1100, my name is Jesse. Thanks.

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