New to sewing, etc..

Ok.. so I threaded a needle for the first time ever about 32 months ago (and I am 34)... I bought a Viking 600E thinking I would be able to do so much. Well, I did make 3 quilts, a dress for my little girl, a "team mom" shirt for my sons football team, and a few other random things but OMG it was a nightmare. It would turn off for no reason, kept telling me my thread was broke, broke countless needes because the foot was not positioned right.. well, needless to say I took it in, they shipped it out and "fixed it" well, it was not fixed. Got it back and it started giving me all the same error messages as the first time. So, they gave me the "demo" off the floor. So, for $1600, I basically got a used machine.. oh, and by the way, still had some of the same issues and even picked up a few new ones.. I called and told them I wanted a full refund..

So, I am back to the drawing board.. can someone help me find (or recommend) a good middle of the road machine that will allow me to grow a bit?? HELP!!!

I say, buy a new one,,,and quit worrying. You get a warranty, training, support, and accessories (whatever you can negotiate) with a new one. OR, if you buy used, buy from a dealer that will throw all that in for a used one,,,,they're out there. Pantograms sells used with waranty's, as does SWF, Baraduan, most all of them. They go fast, but if you want one and tell them that, they'll find one for you.

You're tossing a coin when you by used in this type of equipment, you never know what you're getting.

What's your budget? What type of thing do you want to do? What's your market in your area as far as other embroiderers, both home shops and stand alone shops?

Good luck, keep us posted.