New Start Screen Printing business Manual or auto for best start up?

Gunaa's picture

I'm looking to start Screen Printing business.
I'm not new on this. And I have been working on manual press 5 years for somebody.
I'm looking to start my own shop.

Here is my question..
I show the machine call freedom 6 color automatic. I really like this one to start.
Somebody told me I should stay away from Automatic for Start up. for 100-500 pcs.
I need your opinions.:confused:
I should buy Manual or automatic?

United States
Ghostwork Ink's picture

I say Manual for sure.
Ive been in the screen printing industry for 5 years and im only 19 now.
I've successfully opened my shop and all i use is my Vastex 6color 4station press.
It's not even the price that throws me away from automatics, i mean sure autos are sweet as hell, but too much of a hassle for me.
I worked in a shop when i was younger, the shop had 2 8 color 6 station autos and 1 10color 4 station M&R manual press..
when it came time to print up a job for 25-30 shirts.. i was done way quicker when i would be on an auto press.
If you get a manual press with all the pallets you can print with all heads down and gets jobs some real quick.
I say get a sweet manual press, a press that IS STEEL not made out of scrap metal like most presses' are made now.
Hope that helped!


Worn Id's picture

We are a young business and have a 6 station manual and are very happy with it. I don't print the shirts myself, but the guy who does, can whip out 2-3 color jobs of up to 100 pieces in an afternoon. We would love to upgrade and get an auto... but first things first and the next BIG item for us is an embroidery machine. I have printed a few shirts here and there and its fun... you can say hey - I made that shirt! :)
For me, I much prefer the designing side of things and let my co-worker have the fun with the press!

If you could get something at a decent price, maybe... but I would still start out manual.
Good Luck and let us know what you do!
