New to this...what should I get?


I am in the planning phases of starting a small business making custom tutus and infant and toddler onesies with rhinestone transfers.

What equipment should I be looking to purchase to make the rhinestone transfer infant and toddler shirts? I read on a blog that the Geo Knight heat press works best for rhinestone that true? What size heat press should l be looking to get?

Is there anything besides the heat press that I will need to purchase? May be a dumb question but like I said...I'm new to this and I don't know anyone with experience who can help me through the process...

How are the off brand heat presses for sale on ebay?

Any information/ guidance is greatly appreciated!

Because of the laws governing the use of Rhinestones on garments for children 12 and under, be sure they are Low lead and that the supplier can give you a certificate stating the test results as such.

Sew Fine Designs

I'm not so sure rhinestones on an infant onsie is the best idea. If it were to come off, thats a hazard. But if your getting into heat transfer, the best/afforadable piece of equipment for starters would be a clamshell press. As far as those generic press' you see plastered all over ebay, someone is try'n to make a buck or two. You get what you pay for! And i'm sure that does not include customer support, which you will find out is crucial when you get into the print/embroid. biz.


Our company uses Knight heat presses and have never had any problems with them. In fact, we like them so much that we also are a rep for Geo. Knight.

Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies


As far as heat presses go Stahls or Knight are the only ways to go, hands down. Ebay and such???

Rhinestones and children are a NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do your homework here.......In just the past couple of weeks there has been much talk of this, if you send me your contact info I would be glad to send some links to you.

For children we do foil, heat press twill (but you need to be carefull her also do larger pieces of twill) heat press vinyl or silk screening.

We also supply Rhinestones, vinyl, tackle twill and much more.
