newman m3s 50 available 23x31

reform alabama United States

50 m3 newmans 30$ each with no mesh or 45$ with mesh let me know what mesh you want ill put it on for you 60 mesh 80 mesh 100 mesh 150 mesh 180 mesh200 mesh 230 mesh 280 mesh355 mesh call 205 375 6340 ask for craig also 23x31 static frames available aluminum or wood mesh of your choice call for price on statics will send pics on request of frames

There are 14 Comments

srimonogramming's picture

Jeff, are you saying this user sold you something different than what you thought you were buying? If there was a mistake, that's one thing, but we don't tolerate people knowingly selling something different than what they list. If the seller is ignorant of what they have, then they will still be held accountable for selling the wrong product or equipment. We need to get this handled. You can both email me.

pushing ink wrote:
Maybe you could send me M3's that I ordered and not the ones you sent me! I bought 300 from 3 other people and YOURS are thin, not like the other ones. Jeff

jeff if there was a problem with the frames why did you not call me i tried to call you several times to make sure you got the shipment never heard from you now a month later you are complaining on here you have had my number and never once called me i bet you didn't get a better price than what i gave you with new mesh you might have gotten the wrong order i don't know but you never called me back we had mzx frames here also so it is possible but a month later come on now if you did get mzx frames form me you should have called when you recieved it not a month later complaining about it on here it could have been resolved already if we made a mistake on our end.

pushing ink wrote:
When you sold me these you said they were M3's and you know there not. I tried to call once and left a message. I have been busy and finally getting around to start using Newmans. As far as the price with mesh that was your selling point to get these sold. With respect to the free sample static frame at 17 newtons we can stretch ours higher.

jeff how did you leave a message i dont have an answering machine just a fax and have been in my office every day since your order from 9 am to 5 pm monday thru friday and no email also no call to my cell you have both numbers office and cell and my email also you have digitsmith you never posted anything about this till now why is that jeff

M3's have evolved over the years and I am pretty sure there is a wall thickness difference between the older and newer ones. Of course some people might not be aware of that.

srimonogramming's picture

I can contact someone who will give all the specs for basically ever version Newman ever made so we can reference those numbers to what Jeff got. It's hard to tell the inside thickness of the walls but I believe the outside diameter will show us what we need to know about the roller thickness.

The newest M3's M3UL I believe they are designated have a 1"5/8 diameter I am almost certain the older ones which I used to own where 2" diameter. Plus the newer ones are made to warp slightly on purpose. And are definitely lighter the the older ones.

If Jeff has a caliper and can give an accurate diameter measurement it will be easy to identify what he got, especially from the MZX frames.

I think it would be wise to first confirm or disprove they are not even M3's I have a feeling they are M3's but the newer ones.

srimonogramming's picture

I am working on putting a description with specific information on all the changes the newman roller frames have gone through over the years, as well as the diameter of the rollers so sellers and buyers will be more educated in this product. This seems to happen over and over and there is a noticeable difference in the roller diameter when you are looking at these frames side by side, but if you've never seen an m3 then you won't know if the frame is an MZX or an M3. If you've seen an M3 more than a time or two, it becomes easy to notice whether the frame you are looking at is an M3 or MZX. I was at a shop this weekend that had mostly MZX's and a few M3's and it was the first time I've had both styles sitting right in front of me and the difference is easily noticed.

Jeff post a picture of said frame, and give us an accurate diameter of a roller. An accurate diameter will easily confirm what the frame is.