BIG machine needed.

United States

Looking for a newer model (less than 10 years) Barudan or Tajima embroidery machine (preferably Barudan) Ideally 20 or 30 head. I need this machine NOW! I just signed a contract I know I can't deliver.

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Hi I have one 1998 Tajima TME-DC 1218 12-needle 18-head embroidery machine (360 x 360 field). Tubular sash, one set of tubular hoops, flat sash, one set of hoops, hydraulic table. Machine are low hour, well-maintained and in great condition. Brand new hoops. Reduced to $38,000
Please Contact Art at (416) 623-9689 or e-mail to:

We Have Happy 16 Head 10 Niddles And We Have 15 Head 9 Niddles Baruden
Please Call Me 714-550-9200 Mike