Epson 1400 - horizontal lines on print

Am getting horizontal lines on my transfers. Using Sawgrass bulk delivery system which has been fine up until now!

Have tried cleaning the heads, re-aligning, etc. also bought some cleaning fluid but nothing seems to get rid of the lines.

Anyone any ideas.


Print a nozzle test pattern, run a head cleaning, then print another test pattern print from the epson driver utility program. If there are missing lines that jump around you have air in the lines and most likely need to purge the ink to get rid of the air. This may be a symptom of a problem with the bulk system.

If the missing lines don't move it's dried ink clogging the nozzles. Ammoniated Windex on the capping station and letting the carriage sit on it overnight may help.

If there are no missing lines look for two lines side by side and not staggered. This is a deflected nozzle caused by dried ink and can sometimes be resolved with windex also.

To get to the capping station, turn the printer off, now turn it on and wait a couple seconds and pull the plug from the wall. The carriage should now be unlocked and free to move to the left to expose the capping station. Use a straw to drip the fluid on the pad and push the carriage back to the right but do not turn the machine back on. Let it sit overnight and then turn it on and run a head clean then a nozzle test print. If this doesn't help it may be time for service.

Leaving the printer on all the time is the best way to prevent ink from drying out and clogging the nozzles.
