By Tyrko on
Jul. 22, 2009
I was wondering about these magnetic bobbins. I'm new to the embroidery biz and I have 2 Tajima NEO2's. I recently went to an ISS show and met all kinds of suppliers.
They kept talking up MagnaGlide bobbins, I was just wondering if they are good. They are much more expensive than regular bobbins. A box of 100 magnetics is about the same price as a box 144 generic's. Whats so special about them?
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
In my opinion they are very nice bobbins, alway wound nice, run smooth. I used to run them for a while. I have nothing bad to say about them.
However, I don't think there is THAT much of a quality difference to justify the extra price.
I use plain cheap-o depot generics ... whatever my supplier has on special at the time. lol
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
We run Magna Glides and I am sold on them, even if they cost a little more.
Sew Fine Designs
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
The magnetic bobbins are supposed to maintain even tension throughout the bobbin thread unlike standard bobbins which vary.
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Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
Even Magna Glides are prone to tighten up as the spool gets smaller. It's a law of physics. I have never put one on a tension gauge to see how much it tightens the tension or if it is really an issue. What I do believe is that you won't see spikes in the tension out of Magna Glides as I have seen with other bobbins, such as Coats.
Sew Fine Designs
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
We have been using them for a few mnths now. What a difference....
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
do they fit in any machine?? We have an acient old Barudan (30 years pld) and I am just curious if I could use them, I use the pre wound bobbins and the ones I have are crap! I have to pull a good 1/8 off to keep it from breaking all the time! It also might be just the hunk of junk machine!
Don't get me wrong, in its day Im sure it was a dream... but I am so behind in what I can do it is hurting our business! UGH!! :P
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
My 2009 Barudan uses the "L" size bobbin. If you are ordering any kind of prewound bobbin now, I would think you could get them for your machine. I am very new to this business and as far as I know there are only two sizes, "L" and "M". The "M" is bigger and I don't think it has a pigtail.
I too was having to spool a lot off Coats when they were new because of the inconsistancy of the way they were wound.
Good Luck.
Sew Fine Designs
Re: Magnetic Bobbins?
I have no clue what kind mine are, they are just what came with the business 2 years ago... My bobbin does have the pigtail, so I would guess I am an "L"
I am about ready to give my bosses the OK to hang up the embroidery side of this... I can't come close to what the customer wants with what I have and they keep telling me we don;t have the money to upgrade... I am turning more and more jobs down... :(