Quality differences in machines

Hi, another newbie question,

I understand there must be some mechanical differences between a £600 home machine and a £4000 commercial set-up, but with respect to final quality, what are the limitations on a £600 home machine? How do the machines differ?

Am i wrong in thinking that you can get pretty much the same quality and designs on a well set up home machine as you can on a commercial one, but just with less hassle changing colours, cutting jump stitches etc?

Excuse my ignorance but my current learning curve isn't curved, it's vertical.



United States

Hi Karl,

Home and commercial machines differ in quality, speed, production & needles.

Between some home/commercial machines there is a apparent differnce in quality. But if a home machine is well mantained and mechanically perfect, you can definatley get good results.
Speed is another factor home machines are limited to lesser number of stitches per minute where as commercial machines can give better speeds. But some designs really have to be run on slow speeds ( even on commercial machines).
production time is reduced in commercial machines, switching colors is far too easy and helps when you have a larger quantity to deliver. Home machines have a single head , where as commercial machines have mulitple heads.
Number of needles can help, as swithing threads is tedious job especially when you are short on time.

I bet your learning curve is no longer vetical !!
Good Luck !

:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:

Excellent. Just what i wanted to know. I suspected that was the case but needed confirmation from someone who knows.

I will persevere!

Many thanks.


JuBilee's picture

I agree with everything said and the only thing I would like to add is that it is my understanding that home machines are truly designed for recreational embroidery use. If you really plan on using the machine for a business it is better to buy a machine that is manufactured for business. Commercial machines are a little more sturdy in construction and are designed to work harder and longer than home machines.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D

Thanks for the replies.

The machine my wife bought (Singer Furtura 200) is just for home use so not a problem with longevity, i just wondered if there was any really noticeable quality difference or if it was purely a speed and usage thing, whcih you've pretty much confirmed it is.

Thanks again.