By Tammi on
Sep. 28, 2009
United States
I am willing to by a singlehead embroidery machine at a good price please email me at
There are 4 Comments
Re: Looking for single head embroidery machine
I have a 2008 bought in October of 2008, Tajima Neo Plus 2 TEMX 1501 with the digital display board, hoopmaster, hoops, a shirt cuff clamp and clamp system, DG/ML by Pulse Illustratorr software and one design cd... 17,000. Great conditon. Used it mostly for hobby but going back to work full time now looking to sell everything with it
Let me know if you have any ?s or want to see a picture.
Thanks - Beth
Re: Looking for single head embroidery machine
What type of single head machine are you looking for? (# of needles, etc.)
Re: Looking for single head embroidery machine
I Have A 6 Needle Single Head Babylock Emp8 . I Bought Brand New Last December. Love This Machine. In Great Condition. Comes With 5 Frames. I Will Also Throw In All The Thread I Have, And Backing. It Is Avery Easy Machine To Use. I Use It In Conjunction With My Digitizing Software From A Previous Machine. You Can Buy Fonts And Download Them Onto An Usb Stick And Stick Goes Into Machine And Reads. $6000. Willing To Ship If Necessary.
Re: Looking for single head embroidery machine
I have a 2004 SWF 1501C single head, in very good condition. I have all the hoops, hat attachments & hat hoops, tools, editing and digitizing software, thread, and thousands & thousand of of designs. I have over $15200.00 in it and would like to sell it and buy a DTG printer. If you are interested and need a detailed list, let me know!