Jumping in want machine to match needs, please give advice

Let me explain the niche I want to service and you let me know what machine is compatible.

I am active in the motorcycle scene. I am friends with lots of clubs, I am also active in the social club scene. Clubs from both scenes wear embroidered patches, armbands, motorcycle seats, vests, Dickie shirts, hats, scarves, jackets heck I even seen hand towels at one anniversary party.

Here's the deal every time my club tries to get something done either the local companies aren't set-up for that size design ( shirts, jackets, vest ) or the ones that can are a week or two getting you your stuff. SO I see an opportunity and would like to set myself up to handle the large stuff and maybe later higher volume stuff like school shirts ( big business here ).

United States
ianmforrest's picture

The best way to start is to get the orders and take them to your local embroidery shop. (Don't worry they wont steal your customers - it's not in their interests to do so). Once you are confident you can get enough orders - then buy your own equipment. But remember embroidery and punching is not cheap to get into and is also a steep learning curve. When you are ready to buy I would recommend Happy for your machine and Wilcom for your software.

Good luck

ianmforrest wrote:
The best way to start is to get the orders and take them to your local embroidery shop. (Don't worry they wont steal your customers - it's not in their interests to do so). Once you are confident you can get enough orders - then buy your own equipment. But remember embroidery and punching is not cheap to get into and is also a steep learning curve. When you are ready to buy I would recommend Happy for your machine and Wilcom for your software.

Good luck

That's my problem. The people I want to deal with are underserviced right now. I want to service the people that are frustated with the long waits and being told " we don't do jackets or patches".So I am asking to be pointed in the right direction so I don't get dupped by some slick talking rep. and buy a overpriced machine.

jack frost wrote:
That's my problem. The people I want to deal with are underserviced right now. I want to service the people that are frustrated with the long waits and being told " we don't do jackets or patches".So I am asking to be pointed in the right direction so I don't get dupped by some slick talking rep. and buy a overpriced machine.

Use caution when stating an area is under-serviced. :rolleyes: :confused:

You state that they are frustrated with long waits and being told the business doesn't do jackets or patches.

1) Many Embroidery Shops do not do leather motorcycle jackets because:
A) They will not be responsible for damages to the jacket that may happen due to many variables having to do with embroidery on leather! Not easy to do in any respect!
B) The Customer is not willing to pay the associated cost with the design!
C) The shop may not have access to or do any regular sewing and is not equipped to cut existing stitching to remove liners etc from the exterior leather of the jacket. So being they will not accept the job.
D) The business may just not want to deal with the clientele associated with a motorcycle group etc. That is THEIR CHOICE.

As far a patches go:

They can be done if they are directly embroidered on a garment that is not a problem.

Doing patches in quantity not only requires an embroidery machine but will also require access to or ownership of a "Merrow" machine. This is the sewing machine that puts the special decorative edge on the patch. Not only is it decorative but is is also there to prevent fraying. This machine uses a combination of 3 needles of which 2 are curved. A fully setup merrow outfit can run up to $30,000.00 and the machine can sew up to 4000 stitches per minute so knowing how to time this machine is also a requirement as many adjustments are made by bending the 2 curved needles.

Now add to this that many of these requests are for only a few items, the Embroidery Shop is in Business to make a living for the owner and the employees, many shops do not take on many small jobs as they do not bring in the revenue needed. That is probably the main reason.

These businesses have a lot expended in equipment and supplies that requires rapid turnaround and volume. :rolleyes:

I am a machine rep. but I can give you some unbiased advice. If you buy a machine you need to buy a heavy duty machine and not a "home style" embroidery machine. They generally do not have the capacity for the area you will need nor will they hold up long term sewing on leather and heavy materials. You need to make sure that when you buy the equipment you buy the correct attachments to do what you need. The Happy that was mentioned is a great machine also you may want to consider SWF, Barudan, Tajima.