By Charlesn on
Jan. 08, 2010
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for a company or qualified individual that I can send vector alphabets to have built into Pulse keyboard fonts. I have seen some sites that offer pre-digitized font sets but as a large company our font needs usually surpass what is offered. Any ideas?
Re: Needed! Keyboard font digitizing.
We actually have Maestro 12 w/full digitizing capabilities, however our one digitizer is very busy and inexperienced with building these. My question was really for an interim solution while our in house digitizer learns to do it. Unfortunately my knowledge of digitizing is extremely limited so I am no help in the equation.
Re: Needed! Keyboard font digitizing.
Great forum
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Re: Needed! Keyboard font digitizing.
ahhh ... I that case. I would probably see what you can scrape together off Hirsch or embforum
Re: Needed! Keyboard font digitizing.
Just to make sure I'm clear ... I take it that you have just a basic editing / lettering software from Pulse, correct? There are lots of downloadable / purchaseable font packs on hirsch's web site for pulse.
However if you need a custom font, and lots of them, I hate to say it but you would be better to purcahse a digitizing level of pulse that way you can digitize any font, with virtually no restrictions.
Re: Needed! Keyboard font digitizing.
Ed Levy's site also contains a number of predigitized keyboard fonts for Pulse users:
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