Toyota Machines: Are they worth it for beginners.

Looking at a Toyota or Barudan machine to start our enterprise with. I've read over many posts here and found much valuable information.

I put it to you, the forum, give me some feedback on the Toyota machines, and the Barudan machines as well.

Thanks in advance for your information.

;) Except for a TAJIMA!! :D

Seriously, the NEO is basically Tajima hardware with Toyota software and the Toyota is a different colored Tajima with Toyota software. Barudan is also a very high quality machine but as we have 3 Tajimas I am kind of biased. Of the three, maintenance over the past 3 years has been a reciprocator replacement on one head of our 4 head machine, a warranty replacement of the floppy drive. We have had the service tech out once for a check up of all three machines during which we were provided updated operating software at no charge on all three. Service from Tajima has been outstanding and the machines run like clockwork. I'm sure that Barudan equipment in in the same league with all the others falling in behind them very closely. ;) ;) :D

Im a Barudan fan. When sitting side by side the Tajima looks flimsy, but I am biased. Seriously though they are as good as each other. Toyota too.
What will tell them apart will be the backup, speed of service and training that you get from your supplier. As Flint54 said, he has very good service from Tajima. But he is in one part of the US and you are in another. Your area might have rubbish service. All three of these machines are good but service is KING.
Another thing to look for too. When you buy the machine, do you buy the digitising software from the same firm? Half your problems or bad embroidery will come from digitising errors . To have the machine AND digitising help all in one place is a must. ( In my opinion ). Something you think is a machine fault could be a digitising error and visa versa.
I started in this business 3 years ago and in the first year I spoke to my supplier a minimum of once a month. Nothing ever was wrong with the machine but you will need to know how to do things. ( And I forgot to mention hooping and backing problems).
I ramble on.
Hope its helps....

I have both Barudan and Tajima ..... Buy the Barudan.

Tajima really dropped the ball with the M series, they are good machines but they constantly need maintenance, barudans are WAY faster, and require less petty "tune-ups"

I've got about 400 heads of barundan, and about 200 heads Tajima.

Buy the Barudan