Digitizing Preview Equipment

I have had a number of customers over the last year request digital proofs of a logo before it is digitized. How do companies do that? Right now we have to punch the entire logo before we can show a proof and we have to sew it out for the customer. My parents have been in business forever and this is just the way they've done it. Is there a cheap-ish software that will let me show customers proofs?


United States
SunEmbroidery's picture

This is how I handle proofs:

I tell web customers that a digital proof will be sent after full payment (covering digitizing, embroidery, garments and shipping) is received for a job. Occasionally someone will request a proof before making payment. Then I explain the time involved in doing a set-up and suggest that they can start by paying for just the set-up and after I have their approval, I will invoice them for the balance. I also mention that they can request edits to the set-up and I can mail an embroidered sample if they prefer. Some customers choose this procedure, some decide to go ahead with the entire payment and once in a great while someone will decline to place an order. The few who have declined are smaller orders - not larger businesses.

I haven't used the digitizing system suggested above so I can't comment on it's effectiveness but in reference to autodigitizing systems, I believe they have their worth when figuring out stitch counts but aren't suitable for digital proofs. If you give a proof with one system it would seem that it wouldn't be a proof unless you use it for the actual digitizing. Personally I don't care for the autodigitizing I've seen but what I've heard is that it takes time to do it right so, once again, can it be used to create a proof before you know you have the job? That may depend on whether you are okay business-wise with spending time on a set-up without knowing that you have the job.

Art of Design's picture

InstantMonogramming wrote:
I have had a number of customers over the last year request digital proofs of a logo before it is digitized. How do companies do that? Right now we have to punch the entire logo before we can show a proof and we have to sew it out for the customer. My parents have been in business forever and this is just the way they've done it. Is there a cheap-ish software that will let me show customers proofs?


I don't know how well this works but maybe it will suit your needs.


The Art of Design


InstantMonogramming wrote:
I have had a number of customers over the last year request digital proofs of a logo before it is digitized. How do companies do that? Right now we have to punch the entire logo before we can show a proof and we have to sew it out for the customer. My parents have been in business forever and this is just the way they've done it. Is there a cheap-ish software that will let me show customers proofs?


we do the same ... need to digitize the design first for a proof but usually not that detailed ... just an idea / effect to show how it will look like ... but we do not need to sew it out.

:) embroidered patches,embroidery digitizing,and more ... momols.com

InstantMonogramming wrote:
I have had a number of customers over the last year request digital proofs of a logo before it is digitized. How do companies do that? Right now we have to punch the entire logo before we can show a proof and we have to sew it out for the customer. My parents have been in business forever and this is just the way they've done it. Is there a cheap-ish software that will let me show customers proofs?


Rebecca, hello,
this question makes me feel that customers of yours might have a wish in future to ask you to contact their customers for kind of proving your own ability and ensuring them (their customers) that your customer have had a very right choice to choose you for that job.
Sorry for such a complicated interpretation, but if your parents have had standed into that business for long, they should know what can be and what cant be done.
To simulate something like a prove of a digitizing job, needs something to.. digitize it first.
Even this DRAWings (mentioned from up there) making its own predigitizing inside itself and then giving you take a look over some kind of simulation, which is ABSOLUTELY UNPROFESSIONAL to accept as a prove of anything.
I am thinking and reading around and cant stay silent about such stupid things. Seems the world is going to get full crazy about everithing including our business, where everyone want to say "I am the very best, let me be your right choice, let me have your money, here look at this pic, look how nice it looks like, isnt it so nice and professional.."
The world geting crasy even for this when your customers want you to ..prove without any charge... Even for those softwares which have the "ability" to give simulation of something by digital way. This ability is only used by th edigitizer;s point of view, during the digitizing job the doing. This proves that job is been doing, or being done. THIS CANT PROVE QUALITY!!!!!! This cant prove that you will succeed and take your customer's money, because they will pay you AFTER YOUR sample done. So we coming back again into the "quality" matter of this software's "ability".
Its crazy, Rebecca, to search for any wish of any customer of yours, cause some of these "customers" are out of the embroidery matter AT ALL. Your choice however is to let them know and be informed (means be in), or leting them be out of this matter.
So, if you want to feel yourself professional (at this case - its about your parents), after at least several years into embroidery matters, you should know already whats possible and whats not.
these simulations (incl. the mentioned up there DRAWings) are made AFTER predigitizing, and which kindly asking you to ...buy the very special software... and you then be "able" use this for making such a nice image with only few clics done ..
Does anyone here think it worths for being used as a prove of something into real world, real industry, real final product?


The previous post from 1965 needs to be taken with a grain of salt :confused: , their ability with the English Language leaves a lot to be desired :confused: , I myself can barely understand what they are trying to say. I do not believe that they have any idea as to what you are asking:mad: .

My take is that you are looking for a program that can give you a "Proof of Concept" of the design in order for the customer to decide if that is in fact what they want to spend their $$ on.

If this is the case then the link for the DraWings Embroidery Effects may be just what you are looking for. This program will give simulated embroidery effects to artwork. It is not something that can be relied upon in any way for a final product. That can only come from actual digitizing and a sewout proof as I am sure that you are aware.

Give it a try it may be just what you are looking for!! :cool: :cool: ;)