Wilcom issue

Does anyone use Wilcom to digitize but their customers software is so old to run it on it that it is not compatible and has issues with the trim/jumps not completing all the way and throwing a stitch in too early before it is supposed to sink a new stitch. I hope that made sense.
I have a customer that must be using a really old software because it just doesn't seem compatible with the files created on wilcom. No one else is having this issue just her. I have to use an older version for her which is a pain going back and forth. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

United States

She said she runs her large runs on swf machine and that is where it is happening. She doesn't see any problems on the screen but when she runs it, she gets the stray stitches that pop in during the trim/jump function.

I have my older software Windaisy which I have to digitize her designs on since the wilcom only gives her issues.

Are you providing her DST files also? I don't think SWF will read an EXP file. Perhaps she is converting it in her own software first?

I will have to check with her. She always has asked for an .exp file so maybe she is converting it.