type on an arch

I know it is very simple, but I have not been doing my digitizing for a long time now, since 2005, and there is NO ONE at compucon until the 21st to even theoretically answer my question.

I plan to get into wilcom tomorrow, but tonight I am stuck inside my brain freeze.I only want to do a shallow arch of a name.

I go into the wire frame, type the letters, but can't see where in TES3 I go from there to curve it. Is enough to drive one a little mad.

If anyone out there could shake me and point me in the right direction, I would really be grateful.

Thanks so much,

United States
minimalist's picture

The way to select it is on the same horizontal line of commands that shows the which font, size, spacing, etc.. It is left of the font selection and appears as a blue rectangle. If you click on it the different layouts will be shown. The blue banner style ones will put the text straight but at a curve. The red style half circles will put the text around a curve. HTH.