Tajima Pulse Illustrator Extreme, Maestro or Wilcom?

Hi all;
I hope you can stand another question regarding software. Here is my situation. I have a Tajima Neo II that I pretty much use exclusively with the X-panto frame. I have been using Bernina Artista V6 with it and know it's time to step up to commercial software. I make Irish Dance costumes and need the ability to do a lot of manipulation to drawings for applique and embroidery with some good skewing ability, split satin stitch etc. My Tajima guy recommends the Illustrator Extreme and says I don't need Maestro. Thoughts? Of course, though he recommends the Pulse. Thoughts on the Wilcom? Is it similarly priced? Features? Best bang for the buck and includes online training would be a must. Thank you all so much for your time.

I use Pulse, and have Maestro. It I had to do it over again, I would not have purchased Maestro. If the Illustrator Extreme can import and work with Vector, then that would be one of the most important tools needed. (i think that leve can) I also use CorelDraw hand-in-hand with my Pulse, creating vector lines and art in Corel, and bringing them into Pulse. Pulse also has the ability to import JPG images, and can draw the art directly in Pulse, and then convert it to stitching. so that is also a very nice feature that I would find useful - so you may not need Corel...

Paul Ford