By pullcomp on
Mar. 07, 2012
Hi there. Looking for thoughts on resizing customer DST files.
My last shop we didn't increase/decrease more than 15% because our Tajima Pulse software would not recalculate stitches.
I'm using Wilcom now and the program seems to be recalculating and adding stitches to enlarge.
Is this a safe practice? ...or is it just added random stitches which could get messy?
Re: DST file resizing
I meant to say EMB File.. Not DST. Never Resize DST more than 8-10%
:confused: Embroidery Digitizing Visit
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Re: DST file resizing
every software handles it differently but final result always come after sewout.
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Re: DST file resizing
If you are re-sizing from chest size to back size, you will have to re-digitize design in most cases.
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Re: DST file resizing
My Suggestion: Do not resize more than 50%. If you do, there might be chances your design gets messed up. Always resize EMB Files and convert them to your machine file. Best practice you can follow.
:confused: Embroidery Digitizing Visit
:) Satisfied more than 800 customers, Take a **NO** risk trial
Re: DST file resizing
correct me if Im wrong but you are saying resizing a dst file 49% as per your post is acceptable??
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Re: DST file resizing
Hi, it really depends on the design.. if it is JUST lettering and other satin stitches then you can probably resize quite a bit in either direction. but with our system if there is a fill pattern it makes it rougher when we resize a dst.. so we have to repunch those areas. Now going from left chest or hat to full jacket back I would always recommend redigitizing.. lettering comes out crisper and you obviously can add more detail that was not possible in the smaller version.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: DST file resizing
So it sounds like every system (software) handles it differently?
I realize stitch type usually needs to change when going from small to large, but it's the question of of the say 30-40% bump up that i'm wondering about.
It is increasing stitch count but i'm just not sure how well our Wilcom system is recalculating the DST.
Sometimes hard to tell until it's sewn.