beyond belief customer support

Was looking at a used enduralam 37, called sign warehouse to see if parts were readily available. Was called back and told by a very nice lady that parts were not available but support was. She told me they discontinued the machine 5 months ago and the only parts available would be those common to the current larger machines.

Offered to give methe contac tinfo of the people they imported the product from in China!! to see if they carried any parts.

How you can claim to have great customer support when by your own admission you do not stock parts and dont intend to stock parts for a machine that they only ceased selling 5 months ago is beyond me!!

She also said that is houdl have checked that parts were available before buying a used machine. I never bought it just checked before the purchase.

Beware owners of these machines Sign warehouse say parts are not available nor will they be available unless they are common with the larger units.

What do you think of that parts support!

The moment i found out they didnt support the machine by stocking spare parts i emlinated the machine from consideration, I bought a used machine manufactured by a company that supports their machines with stocks of spare parts.

The importer of the machine with no spare parts told me that they had it made for them in china and were the importer. The machine was only discontinues 5 months ago and already no spare parts!

I was posting to warn people to look out for companies that dont support their products with spare parts. Buy one and something goes wrong you are pretty much done. You will have to hipe you can find a sunstitute or get one made.

Make sure you buy any machine from someone who supports the product during production and for a number of years afterwards.

If they were just the retailer i would agree they dont need to stock the parts

BUT they are not only the retiailer they are the importer of the machine, they told me they had it made in China for them. That makes them much more than just a retailer!

So by your logic Epson shouldnt stock spare parts for the 9800 becuase its been superceded by the 9880

I was calling them to check on availability of parts before purchasing a used machine. I did not purchase that machine. I purchased a used machine manufactured by a compnay that does stock spare parts!!!

Dont want anyone to make an expensive mistake, and people should really take this into account when pourchasing a current machine.

And in the future if i were in the market for new machine i wouldnt touch one of the machines they import becuase they dont believe in stocking spare parts for their machines. Seems they consider the machines are actually disposable.

And the machine was only discontinued 5 months ago, they've surely not run out already!

Great customer support is stocking spare parts for machines you import or manufacture, and knowing how to trouble shoot and more.

My background is manufacturing and support, its a lucrative revenue stream and a way to make sure you have custoemrs for life.

In some respects I do agree with you but have to look more at the larger picture. I did omit that they were the importer but I also have no proof that the cutter was "Made for Them". I'm sure that this cutter is sold elsewhere under another name.

If, it were manufactured for them then they would most likely designed the item, in that case then I can see them having a larger parts inventory. As an importer then they will be limited to the parts that they themselves can get from the manufacturer both specific and common use. After a product has been discontinued (especially one made overseas for a low and limited client base) parts become more limited very quickly and I am very sure being made in China the manufacturer didn't really care to have many spare parts to begin with, they would rather sell another cutter (Just like Epson, Lexmark, Cannon and other inkjet printer manufacturers do with promo printers that are cheaper packaged than replacement ink cartridges). THIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY SOMEONE NEEDS TO BUY A QUALITY ITEM NOT A CHEAP SUBSTITUTE.

BTW most Epson parts are also multi use in many machines or machine classes. Plus they are a QUALITY Company and Product. Lets compare apples to apples. Also you are considering a used item, I don't know of anyone who would buy a used item that was discontinued unless they were looking for spare parts for something they already had and the parts were not available.

Makes no sense to me, but do what you feel comfortable with. Just remember "Caveat Emptor" - "LET THE BUYER BEWARE!:cool: :cool: :eek:

I don't think there is anything wrong with their customer support! In fact I believe that what you received was GREAT SUPPORT!

First off as a Retailer of Equipment they have no control over discontinued equipment nor can they stock specific machine parts that are not available, you were informed that they did not carry specific parts for that machine but they carried common parts used by that one and others. They also informed you to check on parts availability for machines before you purchased it, this is VERY SOUND ADVICE if you are considering purchasing a USED ITEM.

You cannot expect a company to carry a supply of parts for discontinued equipment as those parts may not be available even for them, seems to me that they would assist you with anything that they could. Yup sounds like GREAT SUPPORT to me!! :rolleyes: