Newbie just looking for some INfo....thanks

I was just wanting to ask you a few questions and any information you can provide would be MUCH appreciated.

First of all, I am looking to go into this business with a friend of mine, we both have full time jobs and are looking to do this part time right now in the evenings/weekends to start off and see how it grows from there. Right now, we would probably look to get 20 shirt orders ranging to 100 shirt orders. I’m sure you get the gist. How much would 1 to 3 weekly, 20-25 shirt orders provide in revenue and also profit each year? Are these numbers Profit or Revenue? Also, how would these numbers change if I were to go to full time work?

Just looking at how much profit can actually be made doing screen printing, assuming the customer service and quality is there??

Thank you for anything you can provide and if you have any websites you can direct me to as well, I would appreciate this greatly.

Thanks Again!

I am getting ready to retire and was thinking about getting into the screen business. I have been able to visit 4 to 5 screen printing companies to see how the operate. I was wondering if you can go into more depth on eq cost. I understand overhead, buildings, employee cost, employee taxes, ins etc. but I am looking for a number if you were to go start the business again with new eq what would you think you would spend for 2 to 3 presses, dryers, flashes, etc.
Also how big of a facality would you start with.
I need this for my business plan.
Thanks In Advance

garagewear's picture

You can save a lot of money buying name brand used equipment to start however you should really look into some training. You can get into good used equipment for $2000 - $5000 for a full manual shop. There are places all over the country that offer training. Be careful with some of the "budget" starter kits. While they look like they are saving you tons of money they can have inferior equipment that just cause headaches.

One option for startup is starting with the business side. Find a reputable contract printer (usually away from your own area) that you can outsource the work to. You can go ahead and setup accounts with apparel suppliers and have your blank garments drop shipped to the printer. Most suppliers offer free shipping for orders of $200 or more. You would still have shipping from the printer but you figure that into your costs. What ever you do don't try and price things dirt cheap to get business. If you do those people will always expect it and they will tell others what they paid. Price it fairly but competitive. Call your competition and shop their prices. Using those numbers pick a target price and subtract what your cost will be through the contractor. With that you can estimate how many units you need to sell a week or month to make the net profit you are seeking. Build your business on quality and service. Don't over promise what you can do. Especially if you are contracting it out. Give yourself a 2 to 3 week delivery buffer. If you have it in 4 days then deliver it but don't ever promise it that short. If they want it is 3 or 4 days know what your contractor will charge for a rush job. If it adds 50% to your cost then add 50% to your total sales price.

PM or email if you have questions


JuBilee's picture

Well I gotta say that really depends a LOT on the market you are in. Different markets allow for different retail prices than others. Some markets can handle $8, $10, or even $15 a piece for minimal orders. Others can't.

It also depends on the amount of overhead you have. Are you doing your own artwork?? Shooting your own screens?? Everything you outsource has to figured in. Obviously the more you can charge the better your profits are gonna be but sometimes it's just NOT That easy.

Good luck in your venture and I know I really didn't answer the question you asked but that's the best I got. I REALLY does depend on a LOT of factors.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D