Sporty-Tex Should we give it a go?

So let me start by saying I have spoke with Mr. Barnes. I know there is allot of mixed feelings about the way he does business. I also know that a loss of a sale in such a small community of manufacturers can really get blood boiling. This is why for many years now I have grown to respect the Bergmann group and the way they do and operate their business.
My business in the last 6 months has grown astronomically and we are in the the market for a new machine. Unfortunately new is not an option since I will not settle for anything less than a 10 color. We currently run a 6/8 Tuf Javelin and I absolutely love the machine, perfect for runs between 24 and 200 pieces. It was manufactured in 94 with a 28" stoke, rod-less cylinders and personally built by Phil Ritz himself, a guy that's been around since the beginning. Fortunately runs are larger and we need to speed up the process, so at least a servo index is needed. If by some miracle in the next 3 months a good Progressive machine hits the market, I will buy it, but that is highly unlikely. So I contacted Barnes in regards to the Sporty-Tex BETA machines.
I feel that my operation is perfect for this type of testing, and may offer us the ability to obtain what looks like could be a quality machine for a fair price. I know there is some harsh views on a another foreign manufacturer entering the US market but lets face it we are in the global era. I also am aware of a possibility of the machines being a complete wreck but more so than the Printex I feel that China and its manufacturing will figure out the issues and fix them as needed. Barnes has made it evident that these machines aren't perfect and there will be issues and I completely understand issues will arise as nothing new is perfect.
My question is, set aside the rumors and allegations or if possible remove the Barnes name from the picture. Is bringing a new BETA machine into an already successful growing business a smart move? We can still maintain workflow if the press for some reason stops functioning. Or is it a good idea to sit and wait for that ever so unlikely deal to come?

Any input would be appreciated, accept for the Barnes ripped me off crap.
Read it a 1000 times already.

United States
Binkspot's picture

The biggest issue here is he is just a front man for the machines. He has no legal ties or obligation to the company so if there is an issue he can just walk away. He did this exact thing to Printex. Pushes the machines then we come to find out he has no ties other then the exclusive contract.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

GraphicDisorder wrote:
Well said.

Ask yourself why he is the only person treated this way. Nobody is this way to ANY other person/manufacture here. Period.

Where and when in any of this thread did i say i was going to go through with purchasing, leasing or borrowing a Sporty-Tex? I asked for input and as long as the machines are being made the option is there. That's It I asked some questions simple as that. I am exploring my options and seeing what the best deal is. If the machine is crap than its crap. I will know more when I talk with the guy in Miami. I really not concerned about the machine being down for a period of time. I have great relationships with multiple printers in my area. If im in a pinch they will help me out and would do the same for them. I know what i need know and what i want to spend. Brokers are not an option and I will fly to see any machine I am interested in. When and where other than talking with Barnes did i say anything about anything?

Prosperi-Tees's picture

One option would be since it is a beta press is to get it for free for a specified period of time, say a year and then start paying a heavily discounted price based on performance, breakdowns,support etc etc.
I would figure beta presses should be put in for free for the feedback and frustration of things unknown.

GraphicDisorder's picture

On your mind seems made up to me. You are defensive.... Like your defending the choice. If that is what you want to do by all means go for it. And exactly what good info will you get from the Miami guy.... He is using them free as a favor for Barnes... You really think he's gonna be straight up? LOL. Have you seen the Playtex video with him. It looked like he was reading a script.

Seriously close your eyes if you like but don't be ****** off when you walk into a wall....

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

cnasherman wrote:
So, if you're averaging 5-7k shirts over 10 working days, you should be killing it. One half decent print job should more than pay for the cost of just about any press you could possibly want!

If you deal with Bobert, you can't say you weren't warned!
Why even risk it...there are other options out there!
There was a time I actually rooted for him, but I truely believe he has some
major issues and wouldn't trust him with my livelyhood.
There's a reason why so many people have problems with think everyone is lying and there's this conspiracy against him???
Just look at the way he acts, is that someone you would trust with your hard earned $?
Good luck, be smart.

What do you consider killing it? Overhead is a B I T C H, payroll, Nov, Dec, Jan. Yes there is good money to be made but id rather keep it in my pocket than fork it on a $700 a month payment. That's just me im sure others feel differently. We are an 80% contract shop pricing is fair not the lowest not the highest. $.60 on lights over a 1000. Sometimes I can get screens most of the time not. Keep in mind I have 2 kids both in diapers and a house, I remember the days where it was just me and the wife and yes the money was good then. Now we get by i'm not rich by any means and not poor. Just happy to be where i'm at.

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
One option would be since it is a beta press is to get it for free for a specified period of time, say a year and then start paying a heavily discounted price based on performance, breakdowns,support etc etc.
I would figure beta presses should be put in for free for the feedback and frustration of things unknown.

AGREED!!!!!! Someone has some common sense here.

GraphicDisorder wrote:
On your mind seems made up to me. You are defensive.... Like your defending the choice. If that is what you want to do by all means go for it. And exactly what good info will you get from the Miami guy.... He is using them free as a favor for Barnes... You really think he's gonna be straight up? LOL. Have you seen the Playtex video with him. It looked like he was reading a script.

Seriously close your eyes if you like but don't be ****** off when you walk into a wall....

Nothing defensive at all, I actually find your comments very amusing. I sense some arrogance but that's to be expected, especially on a forum.

eetherman wrote:
Where and when in any of this thread did i say i was going to go through with purchasing, leasing or borrowing a Sporty-Tex? I asked for input and as long as the machines are being made the option is there. That's It I asked some questions simple as that. I am exploring my options and seeing what the best deal is. If the machine is crap than its crap. I will know more when I talk with the guy in Miami. I really not concerned about the machine being down for a period of time. I have great relationships with multiple printers in my area. If im in a pinch they will help me out and would do the same for them. I know what i need know and what i want to spend. Brokers are not an option and I will fly to see any machine I am interested in. When and where other than talking with Barnes did i say anything about anything?

As I said before, I think this "new" machine is right up your alley!
It seems to be a good fit as you seem to have some knowlege and this
is not your first rodeo! Thats good! As for "brokers'', I would not trust them
either! Makes sense! That being said, I am glad you have chosen to deal with
the chinese directly, with out a "broker" because when "brokers" get involved
things seem to get stretched a bit, and sometimes "misunderstandings" are
known to occur! Another smart decision! And I must say that you are very
fortunate to have good relationships with local printers to help you, with any
period of time, in which you might be down. It seems you have followed this
machine for six months at least, so It seems to me you have done your
homework. I say Go For It!!!

GraphicDisorder's picture

eetherman wrote:
Nothing defensive at all, I actually find your comments very amusing. I sense some arrogance but that's to be expected, especially on a forum.

I don't think I am alone in thinking you are being defensive. Your mind seems made up as I said.

Agreed, much like ignorance on forums.

Zing..... lol

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

GraphicDisorder wrote:
I don't think I am alone in thinking you are being defensive. Your mind seems made up as I said.

Agreed, much like ignorance on forums.

Zing..... lol

Wow, seems to me, you know me better than I know myself. Maybe I should just give you the money and you can go buy me a press.

GraphicDisorder wrote:
You started a thread with a closed mind, don't be mad at me over it.

I am actually hopping you go with the China press.... Someone has to be the China presses Inkman or Jeff.

I guess i'm missing something here. Is the thread not titled (Should we give it a go?) Is that not a question. If i had my mind made up shouldn't it have been more like (Bought a new press and its not an M&R)? My mind is so far from made up its not even funny, but the more you take my words out of context the the more i am amused.

What Winston said above makes more sense than any other post on this thread.

If you don't want to go with a "BROKER" than great... but guess what you are doing man. Think about it.

Think about this... I'm TOTALLY with you about how much you spend to get a "brand new" machine vs a used machine (and I know it's hard to find the right fit used). I get it VERY much.

BUT, here is the trick... when you end up in a position like Jeff.. what would you be willing to pay to get out of that position? When your back is against the wall because that "beta" machine isn't working and you can't get the "broker" that sold it to you to do squat about it and you have orders piling up that you are having to give to other printers and your employees are upset because the work in the shop has dried up... THEN how much would you pay to be out of that situation?

China makes some good products sure... but, ever been to Harbor Freight? They have some good stuff there too... amongst a LOT of crap!

BTW, for the record it does seem like you have your mind made up. You certainly haven't appreciated some of the people that are just trying to help you from making a potential mistake. Make a list of the pros and cons... how many things could go wrong vs what you are getting out of it. I have no doubt that you POSSIBLY will save some money... but that is the ONLY plus to this deal. Everything else is a HUGE potential negative!

Look at it another way, would you make an investment into a stock that showed these signs? Cheap, but shady with unsure reputation and outcome. Would you buy stock in a company that Robert started? That is essentially what you are doing. He just hasn't shown me or anyone else on this forum that he is really a guy to trust... even those that haven't had problems (yet) don't expect much from this guy... they have ALWAYS had a plan B if he drops the ball. I find that a sad situation where you have to plan for such a thing.

If I bought a Anatol today and they closed shop tomorrow... I'd be upset... but I really couldn't fault anyone. If I bought a chinese press from Barnes today and he pulled the same crap that he did on everyone else then I'd be upset and have no one to blame but myself.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

squeegee wrote:
Just out of curiosity, what are you flashing with on that Javelin?

I have 2 flashbacks, If allowed sometimes we put in a stationary flash. Thinking about buying one of the new in head units for it, they are pretty sweet.

eetherman wrote:
Wow, seems to me, you know me better than I know myself.

Wow, seems to me that you came here to start a thread with a question, got 9 pages worth of "input" (not to mention a possible solution to your problem by Jeff offering you a 10 color, which you haven't publicly acknowledged interestingly) and didn't like any of the responses so now you're salty about it... else can we help you bro? Please let us know, otherwise just go buy your won-ton lunch special and get ta printin'. You wanted to know if a beta machine was a good fit for you regardless of who is selling it. Let's talk about arrogance, ignorance, common sense and thread titles for a second. Perhaps if you didn't want to hear about Barnes, maybe you should've left that out your initial post? Maybe just allude to the fact that you have an opportunity to snag a beta machine but are worried if that's a good fit for your current setup? It's pretty ignorant, in my humble opinion, to come on this forum, ask such a question and then expect Barnes-less responses.

Don't get it twisted though rodeo master, I wish you the best just like everyone else. I just hope your "lawyer" sets you up with a post-trial period termination option in your "contract" so that you aren't forced into terms.

eetherman wrote:
I have 2 flashbacks, If allowed sometimes we put in a stationary flash. Thinking about buying one of the new in head units for it, they are pretty sweet.

Well I was wondering if you might be using a FB, mainly because they are slow, with or without a screen in the head. A full coverage quartz or IR flash would speed you up for sure.

screenmachines's picture

eetherman wrote:
I have found 3 decent machines in the past 3 months 1 rpm 1 progressive and 1 M&R all of which are around $40. I will not buy a machine from a broker will not buy a machine i cannot see run. I simply asked a few questions and got some useful info and am definately not interested in a dback.

Oh so now you you have standards... You had your mind made up before you posted. You just wanted to stir the pot. I can print 1200 shirts a day with a Dback one operator. Thats only 6 hours 8 colors 1 flash. Guess you can do better then that. Please, your already a puppet and you don't even know or maybe you do.
Good Luck with the BS you stirred up. Play with the bees and you will get stung.

"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."

Gilligan wrote:
What Winston said above makes more sense than any other post on this thread.

If you don't want to go with a "BROKER" than great... but guess what you are doing man. Think about it.

Think about this... I'm TOTALLY with you about how much you spend to get a "brand new" machine vs a used machine (and I know it's hard to find the right fit used). I get it VERY much.

BUT, here is the trick... when you end up in a position like Jeff.. what would you be willing to pay to get out of that position? When your back is against the wall because that "beta" machine isn't working and you can't get the "broker" that sold it to you to do squat about it and you have orders piling up that you are having to give to other printers and your employees are upset because the work in the shop has dried up... THEN how much would you pay to be out of that situation?

China makes some good products sure... but, ever been to Harbor Freight? They have some good stuff there too... amongst a LOT of crap!

BTW, for the record it does seem like you have your mind made up. You certainly haven't appreciated some of the people that are just trying to help you from making a potential mistake. Make a list of the pros and cons... how many things could go wrong vs what you are getting out of it. I have no doubt that you POSSIBLY will save some money... but that is the ONLY plus to this deal. Everything else is a HUGE potential negative!

Look at it another way, would you make an investment into a stock that showed these signs? Cheap, but shady with unsure reputation and outcome. Would you buy stock in a company that Robert started? That is essentially what you are doing. He just hasn't shown me or anyone else on this forum that he is really a guy to trust... even those that haven't had problems (yet) don't expect much from this guy... they have ALWAYS had a plan B if he drops the ball. I find that a sad situation where you have to plan for such a thing.

If I bought a Anatol today and they closed shop tomorrow... I'd be upset... but I really couldn't fault anyone. If I bought a chinese press from Barnes today and he pulled the same crap that he did on everyone else then I'd be upset and have no one to blame but myself.

I appreciate the response and have played the situation over multiple ways. I honestly think I would have to achieve the Sporty on a almost consignment type of deal. I maybe would pay the shipping and test drive for awhile. Probably not possible but is a thought. I'm not gonna make any crazy decisions that's for sure. I have been trying to read all responses and is really hard to read past all the BS. I try to keep an open mind when it comes to things like this i'm not gonna put one manu in front off the other. Lets face it these things really only print tee shirts.

screenmachines wrote:
Oh so now you you have standards... You had your mind made up before you posted. You just wanted to stir the pot. I can print 1200 shirts a day with a Dback one operator. Thats only 6 hours 8 colors 1 flash. Guess you can do better then that. Please, your already a puppet and you don't even know or maybe you do.
Good Luck with the BS you stirred up. Play with the bees and you will get stung.

I do have standards just dont' want a dback because i need at least a 10 colors. Im sure they are a great machine just wont work for me.

squeegee wrote:
Well I was wondering if you might be using a FB, mainly because they are slow, with or without a screen in the head. A full coverage quartz or IR flash would speed you up for sure.

We have been very lucky 90% of all the large runs, have been wet/wet no flash. Gotta love that!!

Well... I just have to say... you have quite a bit of options.

If you are printing 7k every 10 days (even if it's business days) and your jobs are sub 300 pcs then you should be making at LEAST 15k a month... Again... I know we don't know your situation but that's easy to make a payment or just save up and buy the Jeff way (CASH!)

That is EXACTLY what I would do. If you want to talk more candidly about your financial situation then feel free to PM me.

I would personally save up the money and buy a used press cash... I'd rather spend the money sending Alan or Brian where ever the press would be located and having them check it out for me and then shipping it across the country than to spend money on a *shrug* press especially the shipping across the world. How much do you really want to "gamble"... and to be honest... who really wants to gamble in BUSINESS. Risk vs reward... I wouldn't chance it personally.

Even if you got this thing for almost nothing... if it's a flop, well guess what you have a 16' diameter flop sitting in your shop taking up space. Now you got to either pull it apart (assuming you are allowed) and jam it in a corner still taking up plenty of space (too much space?) and get something else to keep up.

Why chance it? You KNOW you only have ONE phone that rings when things go wrong... what happens if he stops answering like he has done with other people? Why not buy from a place that will answer your calls everytime and get your problem resolved? I'm not talking about just M&R... ANY other established press manufacture. Hell, my buddy has/had a Brown Semi.. I've watched him call tech support and get a guy walking him through the problem IMMEDIATELY... if he ever needs parts they are on their way. He recently upgraded colors and to a full auto... guess what he bought? Another Brown... he had his share of problems with it but he was obviously satisfied with the customer service. Other people have spent 100k+ replacing machines that don't work or never arrived and don't get their calls returned. And no matter what, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. No matter how much "BS" you think goes on... just look at it this way... HIS customers have these issues. They spent 10s to 100s of thousands with him only to have all these issues that he won't deal with... why? because M&R?! That is insane. There is ONE common denominator with Robert and that is Robert. You have to at least see that... he ALWAYS has someone to blame, EVERY time. Doesn't that get more old than the ad nausem of people that are just trying to warn you?!

Again... PM me if you want to get more candid about this discussion.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

eetherman wrote:
I appreciate the response and have played the situation over multiple ways. I honestly think I would have to achieve the Sporty on a almost consignment type of deal. I maybe would pay the shipping and test drive for awhile. Probably not possible but is a thought. I'm not gonna make any crazy decisions that's for sure. I have been trying to read all responses and is really hard to read past all the BS. I try to keep an open mind when it comes to things like this i'm not gonna put one manu in front off the other. Lets face it these things really only print tee shirts.

Hello eetherman!
If you by chance read my post, then you most surely understand my responses
were as " tongue-n-cheek" as I could be! They were not ment to condem your
descision, but rather to "jar" your thinking. I will honestly tell you my opinion
and you can do with it, what you would like. It is "gratis" with no strings
attached! Period. You have children, so I presume a family! You have NO
business being a "beta" location for ANY manufacturers press. Period! You
Do Not have the experience or the support to make it succesful for either party. I have been in the Biggest Rodeos in this industry, and have had my
share of being knock on my a$$,and some , where the price paid, was much to high! It is in this spirit, I am writing. This industry is filled with visions
of granduer! TANSTAAFL!!! There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Make all
major decisions with not only the Price, but also the Cost. Without both, a
poor decision can be FATAL to your business,and worse, your Family! Like
you said, we are only printing T-Shirts! It is easy when one does not have the funds to buy product "A" or "B" and product "C" makes it so easy. Be careful,
move slow, open your eyes "wide", think about how your decision will either
be the biggest "Blessing" or the biggest "Curse" to you and yours! I have no axe to grind with any parties, no matter what is said.
Good Luck!

eetherman wrote:
Let me first start of by saying. I never said we print 2000 a day. I simply stated that these runs are becoming more frequent. We printed 2000 yesterday and part of today. I have another 1500 shirts next Monday front and back and another 1000 later in the week. So i guess in a 10 day period about 7000 prints. These jobs bottleneck my operation since we thrive on 24-300 piece runs, around 15-20 per week on average. I'm sure I could go out and buy a new machine but i feel that to be just stupid. I make good money doing what i do and enjoy it (sometimes) but it just doesn't make sense for me to buy a new. A good used one seems a better way to go or a new one that is discounted is even better. The Sporty-Tex looks like a good machine, and the design has come along way in 6 months. Set the Barnes crap aside and look at Chinese manufacturing, they have us beet hands down. This machine might be new in design but I am almost certain that it will be a quality piece of equipment when all is said and done. The company manufacturing has some time under their belt and I'm sure they well make this work. Again these are my thoughts everyone else is entitled to their opinion.
And yes my family is number one and always will be. No decisions will be made without an attorney and contract. This isn't my first rodeo.

Chinese mfg sucks for the most part in my opinion. They steal and copy many ideas and try and duplicate them, problem is they dont take the time to understand what they are copying. There products look similar but dont perform over time. There are a few exceptions to this rule like the auto industry, after years of junk they are finally putting out some decent product. Something like a screen printing press they are not going to put much into because of the low quantity and margins. Here's an example - have you heard of Panel Frames, and do you know what happened with this good idea after the screens were farmed out to china, they cant even get a screen with four plastic extrusions correct.

jmd wrote:
Chinese mfg sucks for the most part in my opinion. They steal and copy many ideas and try and duplicate them, problem is they dont take the time to understand what they are copying. There products look similar but dont perform over time. There are a few exceptions to this rule like the auto industry, after years of junk they are finally putting out some decent product. Something like a screen printing press they are not going to put much into because of the low quantity and margins. Here's an example - have you heard of Panel Frames, and do you know what happened with this good idea after the screens were farmed out to china, they cant even get a screen with four plastic extrusions correct.

I can agree in some cases, but when it comes to machining and production of metals and the company has a decent reputation, they most likely will manufacture a quality product. The cheap stuff is largely our fault, cost over quality always wins in America. My father installs production lines all over the world and China by far was most impressive to him, work ethic and attention to detail. Its possible to find good manufacturing but many companies search for the cheapest possible.

The worst thing someone could do would be to trust their growing business to a machine that has not proved itself in a real world environment. We have all witnessed how this has already played out. Regardless of the brand or who is selling it, its just not a smart business move especially if you do not have the capitol to replace the potential boat anchor with what you should have purchased to begin with.

Eee... not really the case. I work for the oil field industry and they do a lot of big construction out there in the gulf. I hear salesmen all the time saying "not chinese metal here..." and I hear the bosses talking about complains about the chinese metal on things they buy.

They do NOT machine everything well... they have very poor QA and don't care if they send junk to the US. You say "Cost over quality always wins in America"... what exactly do you think you are basing your decision on? :confused:

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
One option would be since it is a beta press is to get it for free for a specified period of time, say a year and then start paying a heavily discounted price based on performance, breakdowns,support etc etc.
I would figure beta presses should be put in for free for the feedback and frustration of things unknown.

Agreed, someone will put these in and make payments while they are happy as long as they are happy, if it's a dog stop the lease payment and machine is uplifted. I see as less risk for the buyer and only way a Chinese machine will get any kind of market footprint for the first decade till it's proven. In saying that, these will appeal to some, others not, but that's the only way anyone will ever find out.

jmd wrote:
Chinese mfg sucks for the most part in my opinion. They steal and copy many ideas and try and duplicate them, problem is they dont take the time to understand what they are copying. There products look similar but dont perform over time. There are a few exceptions to this rule like the auto industry, after years of junk they are finally putting out some decent product. Something like a screen printing press they are not going to put much into because of the low quantity and margins. Here's an example - have you heard of Panel Frames, and do you know what happened with this good idea after the screens were farmed out to china, they cant even get a screen with four plastic extrusions correct.
Sounds like someone we all know that isn't Chinese!

Printwizard wrote:
Agreed, someone will put these in and make payments while they are happy as long as they are happy, if it's a dog stop the lease payment and machine is uplifted. I see as less risk for the buyer and only way a Chinese machine will get any kind of market footprint for the first decade till it's proven. In saying that, these will appeal to some, others not, but that's the only way anyone will ever find out.
I don't know what the rules are in your country but if you lease a product here in the states it does not matter if you are having problems or not the lease is in full force. The lease company is only the financial part of the transaction . The equipment company you buy from is responsible for the machine. Doing what you suggest above would be a huge mistake and may cost you way more than the original purchase price.
GraphicDisorder's picture

Gilligan wrote:
Well... I just have to say... you have quite a bit of options.

If you are printing 7k every 10 days (even if it's business days) and your jobs are sub 300 pcs then you should be making at LEAST 15k a month...

Ya I mean I turn my press on a 2-3 days a week usually, and we do WAY more than 15k a month, so something just doesn't add up here to me. Doing those types of numbers you should be able to make your payment off a day or two running, where I come from that leaves you a lot of time to make profit. If you can run 28-29 days with 2 presses and you are unable to afford everything else in your overhead, I think you have larger problems.

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

jmd wrote:
Chinese mfg sucks for the most part in my opinion. They steal and copy many ideas and try and duplicate them, problem is they dont take the time to understand what they are copying. There products look similar but dont perform over time. There are a few exceptions to this rule like the auto industry, after years of junk they are finally putting out some decent product. Something like a screen printing press they are not going to put much into because of the low quantity and margins. Here's an example - have you heard of Panel Frames, and do you know what happened with this good idea after the screens were farmed out to china, they cant even get a screen with four plastic extrusions correct.

With all due respect to manufacturers, but screen printing press not involving any rocket science, nuclear physics stuff, not even Mag Lev technology. However, Chinese companies already successfully built all these products, machinery or plants... Don't judge quality of Chinese products by usual consumers products you are buying in US. Mark my words, if there is some serious Chinese company wanting to manufacture a really high end screen printing press, they will start making it in no time. Probably after year or two of developing and testing. Will they use other manufacturers experience? You bet. Will they copy some good parts of design? Sure. Do they have technology and highly educated engineers to make some parts of the design even better than we are seeing now? More than you think.

Some other things are more important and that's what makes one printing equipment manufacturer better than the others: experience, vision, world wide customer service, constant innovations based on customers feedback, etc...

Some 150 years ago, US Transcontinental railroad in the California and Nevada was made with American technology and Chinese immigrant workers. Last year, preliminary agreement has been signed with China about building of new, modern high speed rail in California. It will involve Chinese technology and American workers.

GraphicDisorder's picture

I think it's safe to say no matter how well or not it "may" be built. It is currently 100% speculation. What ISN'T speculation is who you are dealing with to do business with them (Robert) and physical location of the manufacture (China, a ocean away and easy to turn their back on you). See Playtex for example of this.

Let's not forget he pimped the Playtex as end all be all. Now he either believed that, or was lying to us all to try to get money. If he believed that it shows he is a lot dumber about machines than we all thought (or maybe not actually). If he was just about money then well what makes you think any of this is any different?

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

I guess I've just been unfortunate in the chinese stuff I've seen. I've seen engine hoist and stands (have some) and all sorts of other "industrial" type of things and it's quite obvious when it's chinese junk.

Look at heat presses or cutters... all inferior... but hey, they come in cheap and have no real warranty.... knock yourself out right? What could go wrong. And guess what, some people get lucky... most don't. They prey on "new" customers to make their money... Like PT Barnum never said, "there's a sucker born every minute". That's who they sell to. It's not on repeat business like other established companies.

Not Chinese but how many people are ordering their 2nd set of printex presses? Once bitten twice shy. And these are the presses they are "copying"?!

I'd kind of be concerned about a manufacture that is copying an unproven design, especially one that is showing signs of failure (see Jeff's TWO presses!) If you are smart you stick to the basics and get it down right before you SLOWLY add... then again, we've seen this "push" for "new" technology by another press manufacture... common denominator there btw.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

arttex wrote:
With all due respect to manufacturers, but screen printing press not involving any rocket science, nuclear physics stuff, not even Mag Lev technology. However, Chinese companies already successfully built all these products, machinery or plants... Don't judge quality of Chinese products by usual consumers products you are buying in US. Mark my words, if there is some serious Chinese company wanting to manufacture a really high end screen printing press, they will start making it in no time. Probably after year or two of developing and testing. Will they use other manufacturers experience? You bet. Will they copy some good parts of design? Sure. Do they have technology and highly educated engineers to make some parts of the design even better than we are seeing now? More than you think.

Some other things are more important and that's what makes one printing equipment manufacturer better than the others: experience, vision, world wide customer service, constant innovations based on customers feedback, etc.
Some 150 years ago, US Transcontinental railroad in the California and Nevada was made with American technology and Chinese immigrant workers. Last year, preliminary agreement has been signed with China about building of new, modern high speed rail in California. It will involve Chinese technology and American workers.

I agree with your post! We can no longer paint China with such a broad
brush! The same as here, different manufacturers produce many different
machines, with different quality standards! I think some on this board, as well
as other boards, are VERY cautious, with the Messenger of this new brand!
Time will tell.. The tone of the poster, from the begining of the post, in my
opinion, was a little skewed. I also read previous post, which reinforces my
thoughts. I also veiwed this, as a perceived opportunity to obtain a product
with little money, and few strings attached! It does not work that way! A machine manufacturer will sometimes place machines, in certain
shops, for "try it, you like it, you buy it" sales. Rare but it is done. An automatic printer is not "rocket science" however, it is a complex automated
machine, with many parts, and should be veiwed that way. I would not ever
put a "beta" machine,of ANY brand in a shop, that does not have a person
or persons who "on a high level" understand, the total functions and capabilities of the "beta" machine. This is Very Rare! Example: Printex got
Luckey, nothing else, with "Binkspot" (Brian) and his purchase. I can only
imagine, what if no Brian? I feel the printer is being "flattered" with this chance, which could very well be his "noose". I could be wrong, but my gut says I am not. Even a "pig" thinks his owner is being so nice , by feeding
him so much, but the owners interest is only the pig's weight at slaughter
time. If the "new machine" company had a "positive" track record, then I would say, OK. Again my opinion! Does the machine come with Rosetta Stone?


I am with Winston the OP has no business beta testing a machine with such a dubious back ground to boot. It makes no sense at all, Miami can do it because they have multiple machines on the floor and some serious hard earned auto experience to evaluate and repair if necessary the beta machines.

What gets me is that Barnes would even entertain putting a beta machine in a shop like the OP's, it is not sound at all, only thing I can think of is because the OP is supporting Robert on this site and Robert always gravitates towards supporters but that happened with Jeff and now look where that has led!

Binkspot's picture

Not patting my self on the back but when we first got our press and the head boards started popping I added the resistors (40 of the little suckers) to them myself. Guys that would do that are few and far between. Or when the power distribution board shorted, not many guys would be able to trouble shoot it let alone have enough stuff lying around (non Printex parts, none in the spare parts kit latterly stuff I had around the house) to build a new one from scratch. I had to, there there were no parts available here and like hell if I was going to wait for Poland to send a new one. They actually did eventually send one (asked for 2 or 3) but needed that one to fix another so mine is still working.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

srimonogramming's picture

Robert don't give a damn about where the beta machines go, obviously. I agree with everyone in that the beta needs to be put in a serious, multiple 4-6+ autos shop with preferably more than one mechanically inclined person who is used to working on screen printing machines. Ideal situation would be a shop like tees to plees with 10 older M&Rs, a beta printex and two beta sportsman copies. They will be impacted by a down machine, but those who were running the machine can go to other areas and help speed up production to the point where it would likely be as much or more than having that extra auto running.

E'man, if you are to the point where you actually need 1.5 machines and not really 2, then you could make up any down time by working 12 hour shifts, but if you have the work to fill 2 autos and one goes down, good luck to ya. And do not count on your competitors whom you are buddies with, they may be slammed and fitting in 2 jobs of yours isn't going to happen. No matter how good of friends you are, their jobs will come first.

Now, when it comes to "if" the machine breaks down, who is going to get you back up and running. It will likely be YOU, so if YOU are ready to take on that kind of commitment to a machine that you don't know anything about then by all means, get after it. I think we have all seen the type of support that has been given to the Printex machines, and you better get the hell back if you have anything negative to say about the machine, you'll likely have a paper weight on your hands. That puts you in a tough situation where you can't tell the truth about the machine because of the unstable guy that is the only person you have to get you what you need. If the servo breaks the capture fork, what are you going to do? Remember it took over a week for the shop in Lubbock to get their Prism going, maybe it was two weeks? If you can afford to have one machine down for a week, maybe two, then you might want to look into it.

Binkspot's picture

Its not so much if the machine breaks down, sling the job over the Javelin. What if its a 8 color job, then your stuck relying on someone else plus the breakdown of the job, moving the garments and hoping someone else can fit the job in.

Just saying.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

srimonogramming wrote:
Robert don't give a damn about where the beta machines go, obviously. I agree with everyone in that the beta needs to be put in a serious, multiple 4-6+ autos shop with preferably more than one mechanically inclined person who is used to working on screen printing machines. Ideal situation would be a shop like tees to plees with 10 older M&Rs, a beta printex and two beta sportsman copies. They will be impacted by a down machine, but those who were running the machine can go to other areas and help speed up production to the point where it would likely be as much or more than having that extra auto running.

E'man, if you are to the point where you actually need 1.5 machines and not really 2, then you could make up any down time by working 12 hour shifts, but if you have the work to fill 2 autos and one goes down, good luck to ya. And do not count on your competitors whom you are buddies with, they may be slammed and fitting in 2 jobs of yours isn't going to happen. No matter how good of friends you are, their jobs will come first.

Now, when it comes to "if" the machine breaks down, who is going to get you back up and running. It will likely be YOU, so if YOU are ready to take on that kind of commitment to a machine that you don't know anything about then by all means, get after it. I think we have all seen the type of support that has been given to the Printex machines, and you better get the hell back if you have anything negative to say about the machine, you'll likely have a paper weight on your hands. That puts you in a tough situation where you can't tell the truth about the machine because of the unstable guy that is the only person you have to get you what you need. If the servo breaks the capture fork, what are you going to do? Remember it took over a week for the shop in Lubbock to get their Prism going, maybe it was two weeks? If you can afford to have one machine down for a week, maybe two, then you might want to look into it.

Words Of Wisdom from One Smart Dude!!!

Binkspot ! My hat is off to you also.
Their are VERY FEW techs in the industry,
that understand any machine at the sub
conponit level.Printex is VERY lucky!


Prosperi-Tees's picture

I would welcome a Sporty-Tex in my shop as we are preparing for a shop expansion soon but to be honest I would want the machine on my floor and running before any moneys were wired or exchanged hands. Any issues with money money like the others have experienced would certainly cripple me as I dont have the kind of cash flow that some have.

On another note eetherman I also run a 6/8 javelin. Would you mind sharing some pics with me? Particulary the setting for the squeegee/flood? It seems I cant get it just right, either my flood is to light and print is to heavy or my flood is heavy and print to heavy, I cant seem to find a happy medium. If you could help it would be really appreciated.

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
I would welcome a Sporty-Tex in my shop as we are preparing for a shop expansion soon but to be honest I would want the machine on my floor and running before any moneys were wired or exchanged hands. Any issues with money money like the others have experienced would certainly cripple me as I dont have the kind of cash flow that some have.

On another note eetherman I also run a 6/8 javelin. Would you mind sharing some pics with me? Particulary the setting for the squeegee/flood? It seems I cant get it just right, either my flood is to light and print is to heavy or my flood is heavy and print to heavy, I cant seem to find a happy medium. If you could help it would be really appreciated.

What is the distance between bottom of the squeegee track to the mesh of your screen?

eetherman wrote:
So let me start by saying I have spoke with Mr. Barnes. I know there is allot of mixed feelings about the way he does business. I also know that a loss of a sale in such a small community of manufacturers can really get blood boiling. This is why for many years now I have grown to respect the Bergmann group and the way they do and operate their business.
My business in the last 6 months has grown astronomically and we are in the the market for a new machine. Unfortunately new is not an option since I will not settle for anything less than a 10 color. We currently run a 6/8 Tuf Javelin and I absolutely love the machine, perfect for runs between 24 and 200 pieces. It was manufactured in 94 with a 28" stoke, rod-less cylinders and personally built by Phil Ritz himself, a guy that's been around since the beginning. Fortunately runs are larger and we need to speed up the process, so at least a servo index is needed. If by some miracle in the next 3 months a good Progressive machine hits the market, I will buy it, but that is highly unlikely. So I contacted Barnes in regards to the Sporty-Tex BETA machines.
I feel that my operation is perfect for this type of testing, and may offer us the ability to obtain what looks like could be a quality machine for a fair price. I know there is some harsh views on a another foreign manufacturer entering the US market but lets face it we are in the global era. I also am aware of a possibility of the machines being a complete wreck but more so than the Printex I feel that China and its manufacturing will figure out the issues and fix them as needed. Barnes has made it evident that these machines aren't perfect and there will be issues and I completely understand issues will arise as nothing new is perfect.
My question is, set aside the rumors and allegations or if possible remove the Barnes name from the picture. Is bringing a new BETA machine into an already successful growing business a smart move? We can still maintain workflow if the press for some reason stops functioning. Or is it a good idea to sit and wait for that ever so unlikely deal to come?

Any input would be appreciated, accept for the Barnes ripped me off crap.
Read it a 1000 times already.

I will sell you a printex 10 color cheap!
Do not get ride of that Javelin if you have room for 2 presses , it is a good press and would make a nice 2nd one! We doubled in size in one year and were running 4 auto's, not at the same time usally but it was nice to leave kid boards on or sleeve boards. When you have one auto and there is a problem, you will realize how much manual printing sucks. Keeping the Javelin would be a smart move even after you buy another press, you can always sell the Javelin later those presses sell fast and Phil at Workhorse is a great guy.

eetherman wrote:
So let me start by saying I have spoke with Mr. Barnes. I know there is allot of mixed feelings about the way he does business. I also know that a loss of a sale in such a small community of manufacturers can really get blood boiling. This is why for many years now I have grown to respect the Bergmann group and the way they do and operate their business.
My business in the last 6 months has grown astronomically and we are in the the market for a new machine. Unfortunately new is not an option since I will not settle for anything less than a 10 color. We currently run a 6/8 Tuf Javelin and I absolutely love the machine, perfect for runs between 24 and 200 pieces. It was manufactured in 94 with a 28" stoke, rod-less cylinders and personally built by Phil Ritz himself, a guy that's been around since the beginning. Fortunately runs are larger and we need to speed up the process, so at least a servo index is needed. If by some miracle in the next 3 months a good Progressive machine hits the market, I will buy it, but that is highly unlikely. So I contacted Barnes in regards to the Sporty-Tex BETA machines.
I feel that my operation is perfect for this type of testing, and may offer us the ability to obtain what looks like could be a quality machine for a fair price. I know there is some harsh views on a another foreign manufacturer entering the US market but lets face it we are in the global era. I also am aware of a possibility of the machines being a complete wreck but more so than the Printex I feel that China and its manufacturing will figure out the issues and fix them as needed. Barnes has made it evident that these machines aren't perfect and there will be issues and I completely understand issues will arise as nothing new is perfect.
My question is, set aside the rumors and allegations or if possible remove the Barnes name from the picture. Is bringing a new BETA machine into an already successful growing business a smart move? We can still maintain workflow if the press for some reason stops functioning. Or is it a good idea to sit and wait for that ever so unlikely deal to come?

Any input would be appreciated, accept for the Barnes ripped me off crap.
Read it a 1000 times already.

If you have read all that has been written about all the happy customers
out there in printland, and you EVEN have the thought, about this purchase,
then by all means, YOU are the perfect candidate! Congratulations! I Really
Mean It!.I thought I have seen it all !!!!!!
Is that positive enough?
