Sporty-Tex Should we give it a go?

So let me start by saying I have spoke with Mr. Barnes. I know there is allot of mixed feelings about the way he does business. I also know that a loss of a sale in such a small community of manufacturers can really get blood boiling. This is why for many years now I have grown to respect the Bergmann group and the way they do and operate their business.
My business in the last 6 months has grown astronomically and we are in the the market for a new machine. Unfortunately new is not an option since I will not settle for anything less than a 10 color. We currently run a 6/8 Tuf Javelin and I absolutely love the machine, perfect for runs between 24 and 200 pieces. It was manufactured in 94 with a 28" stoke, rod-less cylinders and personally built by Phil Ritz himself, a guy that's been around since the beginning. Fortunately runs are larger and we need to speed up the process, so at least a servo index is needed. If by some miracle in the next 3 months a good Progressive machine hits the market, I will buy it, but that is highly unlikely. So I contacted Barnes in regards to the Sporty-Tex BETA machines.
I feel that my operation is perfect for this type of testing, and may offer us the ability to obtain what looks like could be a quality machine for a fair price. I know there is some harsh views on a another foreign manufacturer entering the US market but lets face it we are in the global era. I also am aware of a possibility of the machines being a complete wreck but more so than the Printex I feel that China and its manufacturing will figure out the issues and fix them as needed. Barnes has made it evident that these machines aren't perfect and there will be issues and I completely understand issues will arise as nothing new is perfect.
My question is, set aside the rumors and allegations or if possible remove the Barnes name from the picture. Is bringing a new BETA machine into an already successful growing business a smart move? We can still maintain workflow if the press for some reason stops functioning. Or is it a good idea to sit and wait for that ever so unlikely deal to come?

Any input would be appreciated, accept for the Barnes ripped me off crap.
Read it a 1000 times already.

United States
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eetherman wrote:
Let me first start of by saying. I never said we print 2000 a day. I simply stated that these runs are becoming more frequent. We printed 2000 yesterday and part of today. I have another 1500 shirts next Monday front and back and another 1000 later in the week. So i guess in a 10 day period about 7000 prints. These jobs bottleneck my operation since we thrive on 24-300 piece runs, around 15-20 per week on average. I'm sure I could go out and buy a new machine but i feel that to be just stupid. I make good money doing what i do and enjoy it (sometimes) but it just doesn't make sense for me to buy a new. A good used one seems a better way to go or a new one that is discounted is even better. The Sporty-Tex looks like a good machine, and the design has come along way in 6 months. Set the Barnes crap aside and look at Chinese manufacturing, they have us beet hands down. This machine might be new in design but I am almost certain that it will be a quality piece of equipment when all is said and done. The company manufacturing has some time under their belt and I'm sure they well make this work. Again these are my thoughts everyone else is entitled to their opinion.
And yes my family is number one and always will be. No decisions will be made without an attorney and contract. This isn't my first rodeo.

Ask Jeff how well a contract worked with him and Barnes. Or ignore it if you like. Seems like this thread is 100% pointless. Your mind is clearly made up and I can't wait to see this train wreck. No offense of course...

What exactly is it you think you know about a machine from a picture. You can't tell much of anything from that. You certainly can't touch, feel, see sloppy or solid construction/fit/finish and so on from these pictures. Sounds to me that 100% you have bought into his sales pitch because you haven't even seen one other than pictures....

What is it about Javilin owners failing hook line and sinker for this stuff?

Graphic Disorder

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eetherman wrote:
Let me first start of by saying. I never said we print 2000 a day. I simply stated that these runs are becoming more frequent. We printed 2000 yesterday and part of today. I have another 1500 shirts next Monday front and back and another 1000 later in the week. So i guess in a 10 day period about 7000 prints. These jobs bottleneck my operation since we thrive on 24-300 piece runs, around 15-20 per week on average. I'm sure I could go out and buy a new machine but i feel that to be just stupid. I make good money doing what i do and enjoy it (sometimes) but it just doesn't make sense for me to buy a new. A good used one seems a better way to go or a new one that is discounted is even better. The Sporty-Tex looks like a good machine, and the design has come along way in 6 months. Set the Barnes crap aside and look at Chinese manufacturing, they have us beet hands down. This machine might be new in design but I am almost certain that it will be a quality piece of equipment when all is said and done. The company manufacturing has some time under their belt and I'm sure they well make this work. Again these are my thoughts everyone else is entitled to their opinion.
And yes my family is number one and always will be. No decisions will be made without an attorney and contract. This isn't my first rodeo.

So, if you're averaging 5-7k shirts over 10 working days, you should be killing it. One half decent print job should more than pay for the cost of just about any press you could possibly want!

If you deal with Bobert, you can't say you weren't warned!
Why even risk it...there are other options out there!
There was a time I actually rooted for him, but I truely believe he has some
major issues and wouldn't trust him with my livelyhood.
There's a reason why so many people have problems with think everyone is lying and there's this conspiracy against him???
Just look at the way he acts, is that someone you would trust with your hard earned $?
Good luck, be smart.

Chad Sherman
Pro Ink Screen Printing
(877) 551-0852

GraphicDisorder's picture

cnasherman wrote:
So, if you're averaging 5-7k shirts over 10 working days, you should be killing it. One half decent print job should more than pay for the cost of just about any press you could possibly want!

If you deal with Bobert, you can't say you weren't warned!
Why even risk it...there are other options out there!
There was a time I actually rooted for him, but I truely believe he has some
major issues and wouldn't trust him with my livelyhood.
There's a reason why so many people have problems with think everyone is lying and there's this conspiracy against him???
Just look at the way he acts, is that someone you would trust with your hard earned $?
Good luck, be smart.

Well said.

Ask yourself why he is the only person treated this way. Nobody is this way to ANY other person/manufacture here. Period.

Graphic Disorder

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screenmachines wrote:
You're making sound like it is your first rodeo. Even with an attorney and a contract, who you going to sue? Iowa has both of those. Seems he's having a problem finding the true owners now.
Used machines sell on this site and eBay every day, machines that can be supported. If you choose this path, walk slow and be prepared for the results. Maybe, just maybe it will work out for you. Service after the sale is everything. I have had nothing but great service and my "Diamondback" cost less then $27,000.00. So after reading you post I wonder why you would even consider such a questionable machine, and it is questionable. Surely you can afford $27,000.00 with the business plan you spoke of. If not... Oops....
I wish you the best of luck, please keep us informed.

I have found 3 decent machines in the past 3 months 1 rpm 1 progressive and 1 M&R all of which are around $40. I will not buy a machine from a broker will not buy a machine i cannot see run. I simply asked a few questions and got some useful info and am definately not interested in a dback.
